Agenda item

Capital Outturn 2022/23


RESOLVED that the Executive:


1)    noted the outturn position of the capital programme for 2022/23 as summarised in the report below and set out in detail in appendix A;


2)    approved and noted the proposed carry forwards in the capital programme as set out in Appendix B.


3)    noted and approved the Quarter 4 budget adjustments to the 2022/23 capital programme which include;


a)    An additional £63,081 budget for fit out costs for Ryeish Green Learning Disability Accommodation. This is funded in full by a ring-fenced contribution from NHS Berkshire.


b)    An additional £77,000 budget for works on Dinton Barn is required to meet the latest costs of the project following a recent procurement tender process. This is funded in full from the SANG maintenance reserve.


c)    An additional £121,607 budget towards Winnersh Farm SEN School. This is funded in full from Reading Borough Council and is a contribution towards abnormal costs identified in the project.


4) approved the capital funding and the expenditure budget of £956,000 for the purchase of four properties as part of the single homelessness accommodation programme (SHAP). This will be funded from S106 developer contributions (£150,000), ringfenced grant (£359,408) and the remainder from HRA borrowing (£446,592).


The Executive Member for Finance reported that the number of capital projects that could be completed this year would be limited given the Council’s difficult budget position. The report was overall a good news story as whilst projects were removed, rescheduled or reshaped, the Council was still able to deliver some capital projects as it was recognised that this work was needed for the benefit of residents.


RESOLVED that the Executive:


1)    noted the outturn position of the capital programme for 2022/23 as summarised in the report below and set out in detail in appendix A;


2)    approved and noted the proposed carry forwards in the capital programme as set out in Appendix B.


3)    noted and approved the Quarter 4 budget adjustments to the 2022/23 capital programme which include;


a)    An additional £63,081 budget for fit out costs for Ryeish Green Learning Disability Accommodation. This is funded in full by a ring-fenced contribution from NHS Berkshire.


b)    An additional £77,000 budget for works on Dinton Barn is required to meet the latest costs of the project following a recent procurement tender process. This is funded in full from the SANG maintenance reserve.


c)    An additional £121,607 budget towards Winnersh Farm SEN School. This is funded in full from Reading Borough Council and is a contribution towards abnormal costs identified in the project.


4) approved the capital funding and the expenditure budget of £956,000 for the purchase of four properties as part of the single homelessness accommodation programme (SHAP). This will be funded from S106 developer contributions (£150,000), ringfenced grant (£359,408) and the remainder from HRA borrowing (£446,592).

Supporting documents: