Our Constitution sets out how the Council operates, how
decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to ensure
that these are efficient, transparent and accountable to local
people. It also sets out how residents and other key stakeholders
can influence how we operate. Some of these processes are required
by law, while others are a matter for the Council to choose.
The Constitution is divided into 13 Sections which set out the
basic rules concerning our business as well as more detailed
procedures and codes of practice. It explains the rights of
citizens and how the key parts of the Council operate.
Please note that the Constitution is periodically republished
when updates are made. Sections within the Constitution are updated
at different times and indicated as such at the top of the pages of
each section. Specific details of the changes made can be found in
the revisions document within the Constitution. If you require
previous versions of the Constitution please contact Democratic