Anne Chadwick

Profile image for Anne Chadwick

Party: Conservative

Ward: Loddon

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Contact information

Home address: 
30 Tiger Close

Phone:  01189697539


Download Anne Chadwick contact details as VCard

Committee appointments

Term of Office

  • 10/05/2021 -

Additional Information

Anne has lived in Woodley for 36 years and her children attended Woodley C of E School and Waingels College.  She works in Space Science in which her main role is as a Satellite Payload Operations Manager.  She previously worked at the Met Office on the development of their archive database of climatological data. 

Anne is a STEM ambassador and takes part in science events to bring space science and astronomy to children to encourage their interest in science and technology.  She is very interested in the natural environment and has performed surveys of veteran trees in Woodley, so that they are identified and to assist in their preservation. 

