Executive post

Executive Member for Planning and Local Plan - Lindsay Ferris


5.2.13 Executive Member for Planning and Local Plan

To take responsibility for Strategic Planning for the development areas of the Borough.

To oversee the production of all documents included within the Local Plan.

To oversee the production of all statutory and service plans within the remit of Planning, Planning Enforcement and Land Use. To recommend to the Executive new or amended policies in respect of these services.

To identify and address flooding and drainage problems within the Borough, and to oversee the production of a flooding and drainage strategy and the link this has to the Core Strategy.

To oversee the Council’s Tree Policy with the Executive Member for Environment, Sport and Leisure and to work with the Executive Member for Environment, Sport and Leisure to ensure that 300,000 trees are planted in the Borough with a coherent maintenance plan for their development.

To be responsible for overseeing the Building Control functions.

To develop and oversee the implementation of a Minerals and Waste Plan.

To oversee the Council’s strategic planning approach to gypsies and travellers.

To develop rural housing and build a structure for applications to be undertaken and fulfilled.

To oversee Planning and Development consultations.

To oversee S106, CIL and any other developer contributions.

To ensure high-quality and effective delivery of planning permissions that have been granted, ensuring compliance with planning conditions and utilising enforcement where necessary.

To provide oversight of developments to ensure a minimum of disruption and inconvenience to residents, businesses, and those using private and public transport.

To ensure delivery of the current Local Plan, including monitoring the Five-Year Land Supply.

To represent the Council as determined by the Executive on outside bodies and in discussions/negotiations with regional, national and government bodies.

To hold the Director of Place and Growth to account for the performance and improvement of the services and sufficiency duties.

To act as the primary press spokesperson on all matters relating to the whole of the Planning and Enforcement portfolio.

To work with the relevant Directors and the Executive Member for Finance to produce a 3-year rolling budget with the emphasis on the first 12 month which adequately cover the costs within the Executive Member’s areas of responsibility.

To ensure there is regular performance monitoring with directors against the agreed annual budget.

To ensure timely reporting of both over and under spend against agreed budget.

To ensure the preparation of supplementary budget estimates and justification for any overspend against agreed budget.

To take overall responsibility for all financial matters within the portfolio.

To take responsibility for overseeing the development of the contract procurement strategy within the Planning and Local Plan portfolio, including ensuring corporate and consistent standards for monitoring and evaluation of such contracts, and paying attention to timeliness and value for money.

To take on or transfer any other function, responsibility or role which the Leader may deem from time to time appropriate.

To oversee all Executive Members to develop the Council’s external funding strategy to maximise income from government and other sources.


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