Executive post

Executive Member for Environment and Climate Emergency - Jordan Montgomery


5.2.9 Executive Member for Environment and Climate Emergency  

To be the primary lead on the work of the Environment Service and all the Council’s environmental functions within that service. 

To oversee the following services areas; Community Environmental, Community Safety Partnerships (CSP) and Public Protection. 

To oversee waste collection and recycling services, to develop a coherent long-term strategy for waste collection and recycling in order to achieve 70% recycling, increasing recyclables whilst at the same time maintaining the budget envelope. 

To ensure that all enforcement functions across the council and partners are joined up to deliver the most effective outcomes for the residents of Wokingham Borough. 

To develop and manage the Council’s approach to antisocial behaviour. 

To represent the Council on the Re3 Joint Waste Disposal Board with a view to getting the best value for money for the Borough’s residents and increasing the recyclables. 

To oversee appropriate open space, country parks, SANG and playground provision and maintenance.  

To oversee the development of new country parks in accordance with the Core Strategy. 

To oversee and lead in the development and maintenance of play areas. 

To oversee and lead in tree maintenance on Council land, Countryside services, grounds maintenance and street cleansing. 

To discharge the Council’s functions in respect of community resilience and be responsible for advising the Executive in relation to such issues. 

To oversee and develop the Council’s approach to climate issues, including energy efficiency and the management of a Carbon Reduction Plan. 

To act as the primary press spokesperson on all matters relating to the Environment and Climate Emergency portfolio. 

To work with the relevant Directors and the Executive Member for Finance and Governance to produce a 3-year rolling budget with the emphasis on the first 12 month which adequately cover the costs within the Executive Member’s areas of responsibility. 

To ensure there is regular performance monitoring with directors against the agreed annual budget. 

To ensure timely reporting of both over and under spend against agreed budget. 

To ensure the preparation of supplementary budget estimates and justification for any overspend against agreed budget. 

To take overall responsibility for all financial matters within the portfolio. 

To take responsibility for overseeing the delivery of the corporate contract and procurement strategy within the Environment and Climate Emergency portfolio, including ensuring corporate and consistent standards for monitoring and evaluation of such contracts, and paying attention to timeliness and value for money. 

To develop and manage the Council’s approach to: 

• Anti-Social Behaviour 

• Community Safety 

• Crime Reduction 

• Prevent   

To develop and manage the Council’s approach to domestic violence. 

To take the lead in reducing single use plastics within Wokingham Borough. 

To oversee the Council’s Tree Policy to ensure that 300,000 trees are planted in the Borough with a coherent maintenance plan for their development. 

To take on or transfer any other function, responsibility or role which the Leader may deem from time to time appropriate. 

To work with all Executive Members to develop the Council’s external funding strategy to maximise income from government and other sources. 

To identify the areas in the Borough where air quality is poor, measure it, create a strategy for improving it and monitor performance.   

To develop, in conjunction with other Executive Members and Directors, the Council’s approach to setting a strategy for playing as full a role as possible – leading by example as well as by exhortation – in achieving a carbon neutral Wokingham Borough by 2030. 

To take the lead in ensuring the carbon neutrality strategy is continuously developed and the elements within it are achieved.  

To take the lead in developing solar farms and other forms of renewable energy in the Borough.