Issue - decisions

The 21st Century Council: Business Case

29/09/2016 - The 21st Century Council: Business Case


1)        the 21st Century Council Business Case be approved for implementation, including:

a)        the anticipated staffing reductions and associated redundancy payments, in line with Council policy;


b)        the investment, in IT and other implementation costs to enable the significant transformation the Business Case proposes;


c)         the funding, consisting of:

(i)        a virement from revenue contribution to capital outlay of £210k in 2016/17 and £500k in 2017/18;


(ii)       a virement from interest on balances reserve of £500k in 2017/18 and £500k in 2018/19;


(iii)      supplementary estimate of £998k in 2017/18 and £1,000k in 2018/19 from general fund balances;


(iv)      capital expenditure totalling £4.329m, £2.752m in 2016/17 and £1.577m in 2017/18, to be funded initially though slippage in the 2016/17 capital programme and ultimately a first call on resources in setting the 2017/18 capital programme;


2.         Officers update the Executive quarterly during the implementation; reporting on progress of implementation and revenue return on investment.