Issue - decisions

St Crispins School ASD Unit

28/07/2016 - St Crispins School Autism Unit


1)        authority to determine the decision on the creation of the St Crispins Autism unit for high performing children from 1 September 2017 be delegated to the Director of Children’s Services, in consultation with the Executive Member for Children’s Services;


2)         the following also be agreed:

a)        a permanent entry from Rances Lane to a new car park on the school site, when required to support school expansion;


b)        future capital investment from 2018/19 to complete the Autism unit in a timely manner;


c)         the allocation of section 106 receipts required to fund the ‘St Crispin’s - New Autistic Spectrum Disorder Unit and Sixth Form block’ as approved in the medium term financial plan for 2016/17.