Issue - decisions

Street Lighting Upgrade Project - Joint Contract with Slough, Reading and Wokingham

24/09/2015 - Street Lighting Upgrade Project - Joint Contract with Slough, Reading and Wokingham


1)        the outcome of the joint tender process, which has been subject to EU regulations and has been advertised accordingly, be noted;


2)        the successful joint bid to the Department of Transport’s (DfT’s) Challenge Fund and the resultant contribution to the project costs be noted; and


3)        approval be given for the joint project to proceed;


4)        the capital budget of £4m, plus the £8.12m ring fenced Government grant be approved.  The expected profile for this spend is £80,000 current year, £1.825m in Year 2, £1.825m in Year 3 and £0.27m in Year 4.