Issue - decisions

Revenue Budget Monitoring report FY2020/21 - Quarter 1

30/07/2020 - Revenue Budget Monitoring report FY2020/21 - Quarter 1



1)        the Council's strong financial standing leading up to the COVID-19 crisis as illustrated in the Executive Summary, as set out in the report, be noted;


2)        the significant financial impact of the COVID-19 crisis as illustrated in the Executive Summary be noted;


3)        the overall forecast of the current position of the General Fund revenue budget, Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG), illustrated in the Executive Summary and appendices attached to the report, be noted;


4)        the ongoing work to manage the budget and ensure the financial viability of the Council, as set out in the Executive Summary, be noted;


5)        the revenue implications of capital borrowing for £288k for the purchase of hessian sacks, which  will have the effect of increasing recycling levels and generating a beneficial financial impact far in excess of the cost of borrowing, be approved.