Issue - decisions

Central and Eastern Berkshire Joint Minerals and Waste Plan: Proposed Submission Plan

30/07/2020 - Central and Eastern Berkshire Joint Minerals and Waste Plan: Proposed Submission Plan

That the following be recommended to the Special Council Executive Committee:


1)        approve the Central and Eastern Berkshire Joint Minerals and Waste Plan: Proposed Submission Plan and supporting documentation for publication and public consultation under Regulation 19;


2)        authorise community engagement on the Central and Eastern Berkshire Joint Minerals and Waste Plan: Proposed Submission Plan and associated supporting documents to take place for 6 weeks from Thursday 3rd September 2020;


3)        authorise the submission of the Central and Eastern Berkshire Joint Minerals and Waste Plan: Proposed Submission Plan, and supporting documents to the Secretary of State for independent examination in public, under Regulation 22;


4)        authorise the Director of Place and Growth, in consultation with the Executive Member for Planning and Enforcement, to agree minor amendments necessary to the Central and Eastern Berkshire Joint Minerals and Waste Plan: Proposed Submission Plan and other supporting documents prior to consultation. Any minor modifications would consist of non-material amendments such as rewording and correction of typing errors;


5)        request the appointed Inspector to recommend modifications to the submitted Joint Plan, in the event that the Inspector considers that such modifications would make the plan sound.