Issue - decisions

Revenue Budget Monitoring Report FY2019/20 - Quarter 1

25/07/2019 - Revenue Budget Monitoring report FY2019/20 - Quarter 1



1)         the current position of the revenue budget to date be noted;


2)        the forecast of outturn and the projected level of balances in respect of the General Fund be noted;


3)        the supplementary estimate agreed at the Special Council Executive Committee held on 30 May 2019 and the drawdown against the general fund be noted;


4)        an in-year supplementary estimate for £70,000, for the ongoing funding of the new “Assistant Director for Highways and Transport”, be approved;


5)        an in-year supplementary estimate for £75,000, to fund the one-off additional costs of the interim Assistant Director for Education pending the appointment of a permanent replacement, be approved.