Agenda item

Treasury Management Strategy 2017/18

To consider the recommendations of the Executive in respect of the Treasury Management Strategy 2017/18.


RECOMMENDATION:  That Council approve the following:


1)         Capital Prudential indicators, 2017/18;


2)         Borrowing strategy 2017/18;


3)         Annual Investment Strategy 2017/18;


4)         Flexible use of capital receipts strategy;


5)         Minimum Revenue Provision Policy; and


6)         Treasury Indicators: limits to borrowing activity 2017/18.


It was proposed by Councillor Julian McGhee-Sumner and seconded by Councillor Anthony Pollock that the recommendations as set out on Agenda page 85 be approved.


Councillor Lindsay Ferris requested that it be recorded that the Liberal Democrat Group had voted against the proposals contained in the report.


Upon being put to the vote it was:


RESOLVED  That the following be approved:

1)         Capital Prudential indicators, 2017/18;


2)         Borrowing Strategy 2017/18;


3)         Annual Investment Strategy 2017/18;


4)         Flexible use of capital receipts strategy;


5)         Minimum Revenue Provision Policy; and


6)         Treasury Indicators: limits to borrowing activity 2017/18.

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