Agenda item

Alexandra Smith asked the Executive Member for Children's Services the following question:


What is happening for the resource bases, send unit plans and 2 new free schools (approved by the DFE) that were discussed at the SVW AGM in March?


What is happening for the resource bases, SEND unit plans and 2 new free schools (approved by the DFE) that were discussed at the SVW AGM in March?




Resource Bases/SEND Units


In Autumn 2022 Strategy and Commissioning Service completed a review if the SEND Provision attached to mainstream schools.


The review proposed that WBC should:

1.     Re-purpose some existing Wokingham resourced provision to better meet demand and needs identified in the needs analysis.

2.     Create new type of provision – SEND Units, which seek to narrow the gap in levels of support offered by resource bases and special school provision.

3.     Implementation of robust accountability, monitoring and review mechanisms.

Current Status

·           The Local Authority received early expressions of interest from several schools. However, due to complex reasons beyond the control of the Local Authority, the current mainstream school provider decided not to apply to continue delivering the new resource base provision.

·           Intensive one-to-one discussions with schools have taken place during the summer and autumn terms. As a result, we are now expecting or have received formal applications from four primary schools to deliver Radstock Primary School, Hillside Primary School, Loddon Primary School, and Walter Infant School.

·           The Panel to consider applications is scheduled for 6th November 2023.

·           We can confidently project that we will be able to appoint a provider to deliver the SEND unit and the resource base at primary level by September 2024 as planned.


·       Despite significant work and attempted engagement with various secondary schools across Wokingham, we have not received a formal application to deliver the secondary SEND Unit. This poses an official risk that this element of the project will not be deliverable by September 2024.

Next Steps

·           The LA will be holding a panel on 6th November to consider the applications to run the primary provision. SEND Voices Wokingham will be represented on the panel.

·           Once a school host is appointed for each new provision the Commissioning and SEND Team will work with the school to mobilise plans, including any capital requirements to deliver a phased opening from September 2024.

·           The LA is currently considering alternative options to deliver the secondary SEND provision and continues to work with three schools on how to make the provision viable and attractive propositions for secondary schools. We still hope to deliver this by September 2024.


SEND Free Schools


In June the executive approved the location of the two new free schools at Rooks Nest Farm just outside Finchampstead. In August, following negotiations with the DfE the council were delighted to receive approval for both schools to be increased in capacity from 100 to 120 each, not only will this bring 40 more much needed places to the borough, but significantly more investment and associated jobs.


As we move forward we will be submitting a proposal to the DfE that the council is in charge of the project to build the schools. We are aware they have capacity issues associated with the RAAC issues faced by over 200 schools across the country and feel this route offers the best opportunity to deliver the Schools for a September 2026 opening.


Over the next few months we’ll be undertaking various site surveys and consultations as we move forward with a planning application. In advance of this we have already met with a number of contractors who expressed an interest on working with us in the development of the schools. Initial feedback is positive that the schools can be delivered within the anticipated timescales, subject to the DfE decision on which Trust or Trusts will run the schools.


On that note the other aspect of the schools is who is awarded the opportunity to run them. Following a period of engagement with various Trusts in the region, bids to run the schools were submitted in August and the DfE has confirmed that strong interest resulted in the submission of a number of formal bids for both schools. In November and December the DfE will review those bids and invite the strongest applications to be interviewed. Our Head of SEND, Jamie Conran will sit on the panel and be critical to the decision on who ultimately runs both schools. Subject to ministerial sign off, we hope to formerly announce the outcome of this in January 2024.