Agenda item

Scrutiny Improvement Review Action Plan

To consider the Action Plan developed following the Scrutiny Improvement Review carried out in 2022.


The Committee considered a report, set out at Agenda pages 135 to 140, which gave details of progress following the Scrutiny Improvement Review (SIR), carried out by the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny in 2022.


The Centre for Governance and Scrutiny concluded that conditions for successful scrutiny were clearly present at Wokingham; there was a shared understanding from Members and officers that good governance involved scrutiny and, when used effectively, scrutiny could add value to decision-making.


All of those interviewed as part of the SIR believed that improvements could be made to make scrutiny more effective and to add greater value. Members recognised the benefits of change and improvement, and this presented a good opportunity for the Council to further develop the way in which scrutiny operated. Strengthening the role of Overview and Scrutiny could also aim to elevate the status of scrutiny, so that it was recognised as a strategic function and was fully utilised as a resource to support continuous improvement.


Following the review a SIR Action Plan was developed in order to ensure that key recommendations were implemented and reported back to Members. The Action Plan was appended to the report for Member discussion and comment.


The report stated that the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny would be arranging a feedback session later in the year (probably at the end of 2023) in order to explore Member views about progress following the SIR and opportunities for further development of Overview and Scrutiny at WBC.


In the ensuing discussion, Members raised the following points and questions.


It was noted that opportunities for improving the Overview aspect of Overview and Scrutiny had been discussed with the Leader of the Council at the previous meeting. This could be supported by early sight of the strategic forward plan, currently being developed by officers. The five Scrutiny Chairs should seek regular discussions with the relevant Executive Members and Directors to “horizon scan” and identify items for early consideration by the relevant Committees.


Members highlighted the need for more effective/streamlined reports to Members. Reports should aim to describe the issue under consideration, the options considered, the proposal, risks and financial implications, timeline, proposed outcomes/benefits for the community and measures of success. It was agreed that the Overview and Scrutiny Committees should also consider feedback reports on the actions taken and any outcomes from previous recommendations.


The importance of Member training was emphasised. This would be important in 2024, when the all-out elections may result in a larger than usual intake of new Members. Budget Scrutiny training was especially important in the current climate. It was noted that a Budget Scrutiny training session was scheduled for 10 October 2023. Members were asked to submit comments on any specific issues they wished to cover in the Budget Scrutiny training session. The training should include analysis of the different roles of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and the Audit Committee.




1)     the Scrutiny Improvement Review Action Plan be noted and amended to reflect the points raised by Members at the meeting;


2)     officers be requested to produce reports to Overview and Scrutiny in line with the requirements agreed by the Committee;


3)     Members submit suggestions for topics to be covered at the Budget Scrutiny training session on 10 October 2023;


4)     the proposed SIR feedback session with the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny be noted.

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