Agenda item

ASC Specialist Accommodation Project

To receive a presentation on the ASC Specialist Accommodation Project.


The Committee received a presentation on the ASC Specialist Accommodation Project.


During the discussion of this item, the following points were made:


·       Wesley Hedger outlined how the programme had come to be.  Reflecting on the Learning Disability Community Wokingham Borough Council’s Learning Disability Strategy 2019, and how the Council could support people to live independently as possible in the community, it was considered that the number of adults with learning disabilities, supported in Wokingham, was higher than many other parts of the country.  As the local population increased the number of those with learning disabilities needing support was also likely to increase.  In addition, a number of people had been living in accommodation which was now considered to be unsuitable. 

·       A strategic aim was to maximise independence and the opportunity for people to stay in their own home through a strength based approach to care and support.

·       Aims of the programme included –

Ø  Reducing residential care placements, especially for those with learning disabilities;

Ø  Providing support within the local Borough where possible and developing provision including alternatives to traditional residential care, through greater use of supported accommodation, shared lives etc;

Ø  A greater use of technology to increase efficiency and improve outcomes throughout;

Ø  Increasing partnerships with care providers and neighbouring authorities to address unmet needs, especially around complex disabilities and challenging behaviours.

·       There had been various sources of funding including WBC Capital Programme bid, NHS funding, Homes England Grant, S106 developer contributions, Housing Revenue Account and utilising borrowing through Loddon Homes.

·       Optalis and Specialist Mental Health and complex needs providers had been involved in the care commissioning process.

·       Whilst the programme had been led by Adult Social Care, it involved and brought together a number of different Council departments, such as Property Services.

·       Phase 1 of the project had been delivered and 36 people had now been accommodated.  The percentage of people living in their own home was steadily increasing. 

·       The Committee viewed a video regarding the ASC Specialist Accommodation Project.

·       The Council had been successful in getting a LGA Housing Advisor Programme grant which would help with understanding what was needed next for the project.  Phase 2 was due to begin.  One of the most difficult elements was the matching of people with accommodation.

·       The Council had won a Municipal Journal Award for Best Practice for the programme.

·       A Member asked how Adult Services worked with Children’s Services to identify those who would be transitioning between the services, to help them become more independent.  Wesley Hedger stated that there was a Transition Team which began engaging at age 16.

·       A Member queried whether consideration was being given to the allocation of new build properties given the level of development within the Borough, and was informed that the programme helped to move away from registered provision.  The programme had enabled close working between Adult Services and Property Services, enabling conversations around developer contributions in schemes identified.

·       In response to a question about lessons learnt from Phase 1, Wesley Hedger stated that traditionally houses had been considered as accommodation and the LGA Advisor programme advised that cluster flats were now best practice.  In addition, there was a need to work with and have ongoing conversations with developers to ensure a continued supply of accommodation.

·       Wesley Hedger confirmed that a mix of accommodation would be used and that there would not be a total move away from houses.

·       A Member stated that the Highwood Bungalow was situated in her ward, and she had received only praise in relation to it from residents.


RESOLVED:  That the presentation on the ASC Specialist Accommodation Project be noted and Wesley Hedger thanked for his presentation.

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