Agenda item

Jim Frewin asked the Executive Member for Planning and the Local Plan the following question:



Over the past few years successive administrations have informed residents that they are in conversation/negotiation with Government Housing Ministers with regards to Wokingham housing numbers. I realise that the revolving door situation with multiple Ministers has made these conversations difficult. My question to the Executive Member for Planning will you please provide a detailed update on these conversations/negotiations including latest schedule, actions taken and actions planned?




Over the past few years, successive administrations have informed residents that they are in conversation/negotiation with Government Housing Ministers with regards to Wokingham housing numbers. I realise that the revolving door situation with multiple Ministers has made these conversations difficult. My question to the Executive member for Planning will you please provide a detailed update on these conversations/negotiations including latest schedule, actions taken and actions planned.



Since May 2022, we have sought to engage with the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities on how the planning system should be reformed to make it fair to all parts of the country, consistent, and understandable to residents and businesses.  We have written several times to several different Ministers with respect to national planning policy reforms and our letters are a matter of public record.


As you know, in December 2022 the government published proposed reforms to national planning policy.  Aspects of the proposed reforms reflected our ask, such as the ability to take account of past over delivery of housing.  We have cautiously welcomed the proposed reforms, but continue to lobby for further changes, such as how housing need is calculated and distributed spatially across England.


Whilst the government indicated they would respond to their proposed reforms in the Spring, the messaging is now suggesting a response in the Autumn.  The delay is disappointing, and we will keep reminding the DLUHC of our views.


The Leader has, therefore, recently written once again to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up to emphasise the importance of the proposed reforms in providing clarity to for local authorities on key issues such as past over delivery in both assessing planning applications and when preparing a Local Plan.  We have also offered the opportunity to meet and discuss the issues we raise with Ministers direct, but that offer has yet to be taken up.  That offer remains ‘on the table’.


And finally, despite the government’s delays, we are continuing to progress the Local Plan, and an updated programme will be considered at Executive next week.  This proposes the publication of the Submission Plan in November this year, followed by submission to the Secretary of State in 2024, and examination in public thereafter.


Supplementary Question:

That is very interesting to hear that you are writing about national policy.  The question was about Wokingham’s housing numbers.  The Government only sets one housing figure for each administration, this being the minimum number of builds required per year.  This figure is publicly available although it does take some finding.  The Government also provides a number of complex calculations to inflate this minimum number.  Some administrations choose to simply use the minimum number.  Wokingham chooses to apply all the additional calculations.  During the Partnership period I directly asked the question of the then Leader on the minimum number.  He was unaware of the minimum number.  He asked the Executive Member for Planning who was also unaware.  Given that lack of awareness can you please explain how and what criteria you have been using to discuss with Ministers, the housing numbers for Wokingham, not national policy?


Supplementary Answer:

My current understanding of the housing number for Wokingham Borough has changed to 795 houses per annum.  Regarding those details of minimum numbers, I will give a written reply.