Agenda item

Q1 2023/24 Performance Monitoring Report

To consider the Corporate Performance Monitoring Report for Q1 of 2023/24 – April to June 2023.


The Committee considered the Quarter 1 Performance Monitoring Report (April to June 2023) as set out at Agenda pages 13 to 64.


Councillor Prue Bray (Executive Member for Children’s Services) attended the meeting, supported by officers, to present the report and answer Member questions in the absence of Councillor Sarah Kerr (Executive Member for Climate Emergency and Resident Services).


The report stated that Quarter 1 showed good overall performance in the face of significant challenges to service delivery, including high inflation and interest rates and increasing demand for key services. The current projected revenue monitoring position for the end of 2023/24 was an overspend of approximately £2.9m.


As part of the annual performance cycle, Directors had met with Executive Members to review KPIs and targets to ensure that they focussed on performance in the key areas of the Council’s activity. Some new KPIs had been introduced whilst others had been retired. In line with the discussions at the previous meeting, charts in the report had been reviewed and leisure centre KPIs had been developed.


The report stated that four KPIs had reported as Red in Quarter 1, as follows:


·           PG8 – Total household tonnes (waste);

·           PG11 – All recorded crime in Wokingham Borough (excluding fraud);

·           AS1 – Social work assessments allocated to commence within 28 days of the request;

·           AS4 – New permanent admissions to residential or nursing care homes (65+).


The report gave details of the background to the KPIs reported as Red in Quarter 1 and the corrective action being taken to bring them back on track.


In the ensuing discussion. Members raised the following points and questions.


In relation to the projected £2.9m overspend, what steps were being taken to bring the Budget back on track? It was confirmed that work was ongoing to identify savings and potential increases in revenue. The annual Budget Scrutiny round was due to start in October via the Community and Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Measures included a focus on recruitment and retention of staff, thereby reducing spend on agency and interim staff. The process for removing the latter, once permanent staff were in place, to be discussed outside the meeting.


RA 7 – Return on investment portfolio – Property Investment Fund - It was noted that the activities linked to this KPI (including the properties invested in) would be reviewed as part of the Budget scrutiny process, commencing in October 2023.


PG6 and PG8 – Percentage of waste, composted and reused/Total household tonnes – It was noted that more data was required in order to assess the performance of the service. Government guidance was awaited on future recycling measures – this would inform discussions on additional items to be included in the recycling process.


PG6 – Percentage of waste recycled, composted and reused – Was the target for this KPI consistent with the target included in the Council’s Climate Emergency Action Plan (CEAP)? The target in the CEAP was 70% compared to 52% for PG6. It was confirmed that the move to alternate weekly collection was estimated to deliver a 10% increase in recycling which would be a big step towards the 70% target in the CEAP. Officers agreed to review the target in the CEAP compared to the current KPI target.


PG8 – Total household tonnes – how many new households were there and what was their impact on the increase in total household waste? Officers undertook to provide further information on the number of new households contributing to the waste stream.


RA3 – Completion to time and budget of regeneration projects (Residential works – What was the current situation with the flats adjacent to the Carnival Hub? It was confirmed that a new contractor would be appointed shortly to complete the works. A date for occupancy would be confirmed in due course.


RA4 – Occupancy rate of WBC-owned Regeneration units – what proportion of the units were currently rent bearing? It was confirmed that this information would be checked and provided for Members.


CEX9 – Proportion of Wokingham resident pupils eligible for Free School Meals in Wokingham Borough schools – Would this indicator be more useful if it set out the number of pupils eligible for FSM and the percentage who actually received them? It was confirmed that officers would look at the presentation of this KPI. However, it may be difficult to determine the actual number of eligible pupils who were eligible for FSM.


RA2 – Participation in leisure activities to support those who may be experiencing social isolation – The service narrative referred to increasing levels of demand, but the target for Q3 and Q4 was decreasing. What were the reasons for the reducing target? Officers undertook to investigate this issue and provide further information for Members.


AS4 – New, permanent admissions to residential or nursing care homes (65+) – This KPI was reported as Red, yet the service narrative indicated that the Council was performing well compared to other local authorities. It was suggested that officers and the Executive Member consider the presentation of this indicator. KPIs which were Red over a sustained period should include contextual narrative which explains the background, actions undertaken and impacts for residents.


CEX6 – Channel shift – The report referred to an actual of 87.3%. What did this 87.3% refer to? Officers agreed to look at the service narrative to provide more clarity and to consider the relationship between channel shift and improved satisfaction.


PG9 – All recorded crime in Wokingham Borough (excluding fraud) – It was noted that the majority of crime categories had seen an increase in Quarter 1. Recent news stories about shoplifting were worrying. It was confirmed that officers were working with local businesses to discuss measures to prevent shoplifting. Although the KPI reflected activities outside WBC’s control, it was felt to be a useful KPI as the data helped the Council in discussions with partners through the Community Safety Partnership.




1)     Prue Bray and supporting officers be thanked for attending the meeting to present the report and answer Member questions;


2)     performance against the KPIs relevant to the Committee be noted;


3)     further information/clarification be provided to Members, as set out above;


4)     officers be thanked for the improved content and clarity of the performance monitoring report.

Supporting documents: