Agenda item

Community Safety Partnership Update

To receive the annual update on the work of the Community Safety Partnership.


The Committee considered a report, set out at Agenda pages 27 to 48, which provided an update on the work of the Community Safety Partnership.


Narinder Brar, Head of Enforcement and Safety, attended the meeting to present the report and answer Member questions.


The report stated that in 2022/23, the Community Safety Partnership Board had been chaired by the Council’s Chief Executive, Susan Parsonage. During the year, the partnership made progress on its key workstreams, including domestic abuse, Prevent and Channel, substance misuse, anti-social behaviour, serious violence and exploitation and violence against women and girls.


The Wokingham Community Safety Strategy (adopted in June 2021) focussed on three strategic priorities underpinned by five specific aims, as follows:


Strategic Priorities:


·           Listening to the needs and concerns of local residents;

·           Intervening early and preventing issues from escalating;

·           Working together to protect vulnerable residents.


Specific Aims:


·           Working with communities to deal with crime and anti-social behaviour hot-spots;

·           Reducing the harm caused by domestic abuse;

·           Reducing incidents of serious violence and knife crime;

·           Tackling the exploitation of children, young people and vulnerable adults;

·           Reducing incidents of residential burglary and theft from vehicles.


The report stated that all crime had seen an increase of 11.4% (841 offences) in the year ending 31 March 2023 when compared to the same period in 2021/22. Increases had been seen largely in categories relating to theft including shoplifting, bike theft and theft from and of vehicles. There were 83 more harassment incidents and 72 more domestic abuse incidents. Crimes that had decreased included drugs possession, trafficking, possession of weapons and public order offences.


In the ensuing discussion, Members raised the following points and questions.


Some of the figures in the Crime Performance Summary (page 40) appeared high – what geographic area did the figures relate to? It was confirmed that the data in the tables on page 40 related to the Wokingham Borough.


Members had received positive feedback on the work of the ASB team. The team had been in place for 12 months and continued to work closely with the Community Safety team, Thames Valley Police, Town and Parish Councils and other local stakeholders. 40 fixed penalty notices had been issued for fly tipping/littering.

Was there data on the amount of fly tipping cleared as well as the number of prosecutions? It was confirmed that this information could be collected and shared with Members. The process was education, engagement, then prosecution.


Shoplifting had increased by 114% over the year. Could more be done in terms of prevention? It was confirmed that there was a national increase in levels of shoplifting. Initiatives included the sharing of data on incidents in real time and improved CCTV coverage. It was likely that the current economic situation and the cost of living crisis were having an impact on the increasing level of shoplifting.


There were ongoing problems relating to nuisance from car meets. A recent event took place at the Mereoak Park and Ride. What additional steps could be taken to tackle car meets? It was confirmed that a Public Space Protection Order had been issued to tackle issues in Wokingham. Officers were working with Thames Valley Police with a view to the police using their powers at Mereoak. Officers tried to take proportionate action – repeat offenders received fixed penalty notices. It was suggested that further Member/officer discussions take place outside the meeting.


In relation to CCTV, etc., did officers have access to sufficient technology to support their work? It was confirmed that there was always a demand for technology, including mobile CCTV. This issue was kept under review.




1)     Narinder Brar be thanked for presenting the report and answering Member questions;


2)     Member comments on the report be fed back to the Community Safety Partnership;


3)     further information be provided to Members on specific issues raised at the meeting;


4)     the Council’s ASB team be congratulated on their achievements over the past year.




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