Agenda item

Progress against Task & Finish Group Recommendations

To consider progress against the recommendations made by the Climate Emergency Task & Finish Group in 2020 and 2021.


The Committee considered a report, set out at Agenda pages 11 to 32, which gave details of progress against the recommendations of the Climate Emergency Task and Finish Group (2020 and 2021).


Sarah Kerr, Executive Member for Climate Emergency and Resident Services, attended the meeting to present the report and answer Member questions. Councillor Kerr noted that she had been a member of the second Task and Finish Group (2021).


The report stated that, in July 2019, Wokingham Borough Council declared a climate emergency and committed to do as much as possible to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. Following the declaration, the Council published a Climate Emergency Action Plan (CEAP), in January 2020. In February 2020, the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee established a Task and Finish group to review the Wokingham Borough Climate Emergency Action Plan and provide recommendations improvement.


Following completion of the Task and Finish Group review, in July 2020, the Group proposed 14 recommendations to strengthen the CEAP and make the reporting process more transparent. Another review of the CEAP by the Task and Finish Group took place in early 2021. This review focused on four key elements of the CEAP: transport, homes, renewable energy and behaviour change. The Group received evidence from internal and external individuals representing the Council, Imperial College London, University of Leeds, National Grid, Giki Zero, University of Reading, Reading Buses, and the Executive Member for Climate Emergency. The results of the review, including 25 recommendations, were presented to the O&S Management Committee in July 2021.


This report included an update on the progress made against the 2020 and 2021 Task and Finish Group recommendations. A summary progress update was presented in the report together with additional officers updates have been included in Appendix 1. It was noted that the recommendations were made in reference to the first and second iterations of the Council’s Climate Emergency Action Plan (CEAP). All of the Task and Finish Group recommendations were found to be still relevant to the delivery of the current CEAP.


In the ensuing discussion, Members raised the following points:


The 2020 Task and Finish Group recommendations referred to the need for strengthening of the in-house Climate Emergency team to ensure that increasing complex issues could be addressed effectively. It was confirmed that the team consisted of one manager and three officers. Moreover, the team had no budget of its own with which to tackle projects. Delivery of the CEAP depended on various in-house teams so it was essential that the CEAP was embedded across every Council service. The Climate Emergency team also looked to find alternative funding sources such as Government grants. The lack of statutory powers was limiting factor in relation to funding.


The report referred to the emerging Climate Emergency Communication and Engagement Plan. When would this plan be shared with Scrutiny Members? It was confirmed that the plan should be ready for consideration at the next meeting of the Committee in July 2023.

What progress had there been in relation to the roll-out of solar panels for schools in the Borough? It was confirmed that 70% of local schools currently had solar panels, with plans for further additions.


Could solar panel be introduced into car parks across the Borough? It was confirmed that opportunities were being explored but the challenge was to achieve suitable grid connections. The Council was lobbying hard on this issue.


The 2020 report included a recommendation on the development of a methodology to measure the carbon impact of key decisions. What progress was there? It was confirmed that an impact assessment tool had been developed and was currently being trialled by two teams prior to roll-out across the organisation.




1)     Sarah Kerr and the supporting officers be thanked for attending the meeting to present the report and answer Member questions;


2)     the emerging Climate Emergency business strategy be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee;


3)     officers be requested to work with other Berkshire councils to lobby the Government about “green skills” shortages and the appropriate strategies to address them;


4)     the Committee supports the Task & Finish Group recommendation relating to an independent carbon audit of the Climate Emergency Action Plan and refers this matter to the Audit Committee for comment;


5)     officers be congratulated on the significant progress made in implementing the Task & Finish Group recommendations.



Supporting documents: