Agenda item

SEND Strategy Refresh

To receive a verbal update on the SEND Strategy.


The SEND Strategy Refresh was presented by Jonathan Wilding, Safety Valve and SEND Consultant.


The following points were highlighted during the presentation:


·           The Safety Valve programme required the local authority to implement a new SEND service to help schools with earlier intervention and to refresh the outreach offer to schools;

·           The Early Years SEND offer was being formulated;

·           The refresh of the strategy was being undertaken in partnership with SEND Voices;

·           Improvement to data management was being implemented;

·           The new school provision would enable the local authority to make less use of independent out of borough provision, which was the largest contributor to the HNB overspend;

·           Preparation for adulthood and the post-16 education were an area of focus, as currently there was no local provision for the post-16 cohort;

·           Projections showed that with the measures currently being undertaken, by 2028/29 the local authority would spend £56m less;

·           Even with all the measures proposed, there was a projected deficit of £41m by 2028/29.  The Safety Valve programme unlocked an investment of £20m from the DfE to pay half of the deficit; the other half of the deficit would be funded by the local authority;

·           There was a cost of around £7m relating to implementations costs and invest to save;

·           As previously mentioned the local authority was successful in the bids for two new specialist schools.  Neighbouring local authorities had also been successful in bids for new schools, therefore it was expected that there would be less demand for our school places from other local authorities;

·           Free school number 1 was being prioritised.  This school would offer 100 places for pupils with social, emotional and mental health difficulties, who could not access education in mainstream settings.  The proposed location for this school was Rooks Next Farm, subject to Executive approval;

·           Free school number 2 was being designed for pupils with cognitive and physical disabilities, in the same style as Addington School.  The proposed location for this school was Grays Farm.  However, this was subject to potential change depending on the space required by leisure facilities on the same site.  Alternative options were being considered, the final site location would have to be approved by Executive;

·           The DfE timetable was very pacey, as shown in the presentation slides;

·           The public consultation had already commenced;

·           It was hoped that the Council would lead on the capital programme, however the DfE would make a decision on this;

·           There would be some associated costs that the Council would have to cover, for example building access roads;

·           A bid for capital funding of £6.3m had been submitted alongside the bid for the Safety Valve.  This was to cover the development of resources attached to mainstream schools.  The outcome of this bid would be received by the end of March

·           The current SEND Strategy was due to expire in 2024, however many events had occurred and therefore a new strategy was needed.  As well as the Safety Valve programme, there was a new SEND inspection framework and new improvement programmes set out by the central government;

·           There was a desire to continue to work in partnership with stakeholders and further develop partnerships;

·           The proposed governance of the programme was under development.


In response to a question Members were informed that Bracknell Forest and Windsor and Maidenhead councils had also been successful in securing funding for new schools.


Councillor Helliar-Symonds asked what other sites were being considered as well as Grays Farm.  Jonathan Wilding agreed to offer this information outside of the meeting.


Councillor Helliar-Symonds asked if fire sprinklers would be installed in the new schools.  Councillor Bray explained that the DfE would not fund it, but the Council would pay for them.


The Chairman stated that the Committee would like to be kept informed of the development of the Safety Valve programme and the SEND Strategy.  He suggested that this update becomes a standing item in the CSO&S agendas.  This was agreed by Officers. 


Members asked that this presentation be circulated to Members via email.


The Chairman stated that Sara Clarke’s contribution to discussions was very valuable.  He invited Members to put forward suggestions of additional stakeholders who may be able to contribute to future discussions.




1)     The report be noted; and


2)     Updates on the Safety Valve programme and SEND Strategy would become a standing item in the Committee’s agenda.