Agenda item

Climate Emergency Deliberative Process Update

To consider progress relating to the deliberative process linked to the Climate Emergency Action Plan.


The Committee considered a report, set out at supplementary Agenda pages 15 to 76, which provided an update on the CEAP Community Deliberative Process, conducted in 2022.


Sarah Kerr (Executive Member for Climate Emergency and Residents Services) presented the report, supported by officers.


The report stated that a Motion was approved by Council in October 2021 which agreed that the Council host a Community Deliberative Process for Climate Change. The aim of the process was to engage local communities in developing a Vision for a net zero Borough. Since then, two pieces of work had been carried out. Firstly, a number of deliberative peer group sessions (March-April 2022). Secondly a residents’ e-panel (an on-line survey), conducted in August/September 2022.


The report stated that an additional piece of work was required in order to complete the process. The results of the peer group sessions and the residents’ e-panel had been useful in identifying the motivations and barriers faced by residents when faced with making sustainable decisions. The next step was to combine the findings into a Vision for a net zero Borough. The information gathered would be shared with relevant teams within WBC, including Transport, Energy, Planning and Procurement, to ensure that it informed the development of future policies and programmes. This included the next iteration of the CEAP, due to be submitted to Council in September 2023.


In the ensuing discussion, Members raised the following points:


Whilst the information gathered during the deliberative process was useful, did it reflect the views of all groups within the Borough? It was confirmed that views had been sought from a variety of groups in order to reflect a broad spectrum of viewpoints. The appointment of an Engagement Officer within the Council’s Climate Emergency team would ensure that consultation and engagement would be an ongoing element in the progression of the CEAP. It was noted that no radical ideas had been generated by the process to date which was a motivation for deeper and wider engagement.


Were residents engaged in the process able to gain enough knowledge to understand what was achievable and realistic in terms of the options available? It was confirmed that external experts had been engaged in the process but this was an issue to address as part of any future engagement exercises.


There appeared to be some confusion about funding. The Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) included a line headed “Citizens’ Assembly” with a cost of £120k. This report referred to a “cost of engagement” of £40k. Clarification was requested on the actual costs and description of the deliberative process.


Officers confirmed that the next iteration of the CEAP would include greater use of visuals in order to make the document more accessible to residents and community groups. Members welcomed this initiative but requested that the detailed supporting data behind the CEAP targets also be retained.




1)     the progress made in delivering the CEAP deliberative process in 2022/23 be noted;


2)     officers provide clarification on the actual costs and description of the deliberative process in the MTFP;


3)     the inclusion of a Vision for a net zero Borough in the next CEAP update be supported.

Supporting documents: