Agenda item

Children's Services Performance Indicators

To receive and consider a report containing details of Children’s Services Performance Indicators.


Members considered each dashboard contained in the report.


Sarah Clarke, who was unable to be present at the meeting, had submitted questions about the Performance Indicators.  It was agreed that the answers to those questions would be submitted in writing and shared with the Committee.


Comments were made as follows:


Dashboard item 1 – Funded Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP)

Members noted that significant improvements to the timeliness of EHCPs  were expected in Q4 as a result of the actions being taken.


Dashboard item 4 – Child Protection

The Chairman asked how much flexibility the service had to deal with the increase in demand and complexity on caseloads, and what was the impact of this increase in the service?


Helen Watson explained that some flexibility was needed and on occasions the use of locum staff was necessary.  Staffing levels were monitored very closely.


Dashboard 5 – Children in Care

Councillor Boyt asked for the narrative behind the increase in the % of CIC who have more than one allocated Social Worker in 12 months.


Helen Watson explained that there could be a number of reasons, such as transitions, staff sickness or maternity leave.  An effort was always made to minimise changes in Social Workers, but sometimes there was no other alternative.


This was an important indicator for the service, which was monitored very closely.  However, there were challenges, both nationally and locally in relation to the recruitment and retention of Social Workers.


Rachel Oakley, Assistant Director Quality and Assurance informed that there had been a decrease in the turn over of permanent staff in the last quarter.


Dashboard 6 – Care Leavers

Councillor Helliar-Symonds asked for the reasons for the number of Care Leavers who were Not in Employment Education or Training (NEET) and what was being done to help them?


Rachel Oakley explained that there was a large number of young people in this cohort who had disabilities or illnesses which prevented them from seeking employment or education.  There were also some young people who were parents and looking after their children.  It was also important to acknowledge that entering and sustaining work was difficult for this group of people.


Helen Watson informed that a Care Leavers improved offer was being developed, creating apprenticeship opportunities and guaranteed jobs interviews within the Council for Care Leavers.


The Chairman stated that he had once attended a NEET planning meeting, this was a monthly meeting where options for each individual were discussed.  He recommended Members to attend this meeting to better understand the work undertaken to help this cohort.


Councillor Helliar-Symonds asked where were the 3% of Care Leavers who were not in suitable accommodation?


Rachel Okley informed that there were 100 Care Leavers at the time of the snapshot, and three were not in suitable accommodation.  She explained that unsuitable accommodation included people being in prison, in houses of multiple occupation or homeless.  However, this figure changed every month.


Councillor Helliar-Symonds asked for further clarification about the possibility of Care Leavers being homeless.  Helen Watson explained that this would be on a very short period of time whilst in transition.  The ambition was to have all young people in suitable accommodation.


Rachel Okley explained that each situation was unique and sometimes it was due to personal choice.


Councillor Bray explained that when young people were on benefits they were only entitled to accommodation within a shared house.  There was an issue with classification, for example someone in prison was classified as being in unsuitable accommodation.


The Chairman suggested that future reports should included the narrative around the Care Leavers not in suitable accommodation.


Councillor Boyt asked if the service kept in touch with the young people in prison.  Helen Watson confirmed that the serviced did keep in touch with young people in prison.


Dashboard item 7 – Children missing from home / care

The Chairman asked for the narrative around the number of permanent exclusions.  Helen Watson offered to provide a written response on this.


The Chairman asked if data about children missing from home / care was available for children living outside of the borough?  Helen Watson stated that information about children living outside of the borough was closely monitored, including data about children missing from home / care.


Dashboard 8 – Children’s Services workforce

Members were aware that there was now a dedicated officer working on recruitment of Social Workers, and asked the service to bring a report to the Committee for an update on the development of this initiative.  Helen Watson agreed to this proposal.


Rachel Oakley explained that ASYE stood for Assessed and Supported Year in Employment.  This programme was offered for Social Workers that had just qualified, it included mentoring, coaching and a whole system support.  This programme was popular, with 40-60 people applying every year to join the programme.




1)     The report be noted; and


2)     A report will be brought to the Committee containing details of the recruitment of Social Workers programme.













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