Agenda item

Adult Social Care Key Performance Indicators

To receive the Adults Services Quarter 2 2022-23 Key Performance Indicators.



The Committee considered the Adult Social Care Key Performance Indicators.


During the discussion of this item, the following points were made:


·       There were seven Adult Social Care Key Performance Indicators, five of which were green, one was red, and one was amber.

·       AS 1 Percentage of safeguarding concerns, leading to an enquiry, completed within 2 working days, whilst red, was 54%, slightly improved on the previous quarter.  A triage process under which safeguarding concerns were triaged, had been put in place, and improvements were starting to be seen.  Performance in December had been 76%.  A significant improvement and a positive direction of travel was anticipated for Quarter 4.

·       AS 7 Percentage of CQC registered providers that are rated Good or Outstanding, was amber.  Wesley Hedger emphasised that numbers had a big impact on the indicator.  There were 26 older people care homes in the Borough and 52 care homes in total, so if the rating of one care home changed it could have a big impact.  The Council worked closely with the CQC on the care governance process to support the inspection regime.

·       A Member asked whether the Council had been aware of the circumstances behind the drop from green to amber for AS 7, and whether this had been rectified.  Wesley Hedger stated that the care governance process supported improvement in provision prior to an inspection.  Whilst there was pressure on the sector there was not the level of issues as there were in other parts of the country.

·       A Member questioned why Wokingham was below average for domiciliary care, and was informed that many inspections that took place during the pandemic were more light touch, and inspections were now more in depth.  There were pressures across the system such as the impact of the cost of living crisis.  Wesley Hedger indicated that he would look into the domiciliary care performance, and report back to Members. 

·       The Committee sought an update on Optalis.  Wesley Hedger emphasised positive working relations.  He informed Members that Loddon Court, a respite centre had recently transferred to Optalis.  A refurbishment of the building was due to begin shortly.  Members were updated on the contract management arrangements.  Performance had improved through the partnership with Optalis.

·       Workforce remained one of the major concerns for adult social care. 

·       A Member questioned if there should be a key performance indicator relating to autism. 

·       Members questioned whether figures could be provided in addition as percentages for AS 7 in future.

·       In response to a Member question regarding care home viability, Wesley Hedger stated that conversations were held with providers, occupancy levels were tracked using a national system.  The Council worked closely with providers on sustainability.

·       A Member noted that AS2 Social work assessments allocated to commence within 28 days of the request (counted at point of allocation), was at 100%, and questioned whether issues around recruitment and retention of social workers had now improved.  Wesley Hedger stated that it was still an issue.  However, there was a Workforce Strategy in place to support the sector.  A concerted effort re the allocation of resource had been made to support the indicator but workforce remained a long-term issue.  A Member questioned whether a drop in performance was likely in the next quarter, given that it covered the winter period.  Wesley Hedger responded that it might.

·       A Member commented that the cost of childcare often made it difficult for people to return to work, and questioned whether subsidised childcare could be introduced.  Wesley Hedger stated that the Council would like to do more regarding workforce but adult social care was historically poorly funded.

·       The Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee had asked for responses around the some of the key performance indicators, around the impact of Covid on performance and the scrutiny of the adult social care transformation programme.  Adult social care had a wide ranging transformation programme covering matters such as inspection and assurance, specialist accommodation, Optalis and the Autism Strategy.  it was suggested that an update on the transformation programme be scheduled.

·       In response to a Member request for an update on integration of IT, Ingrid Slade indicated that there was an IT transformation programme under the ICB, and that an update on this could be sought.


RESOLVED:  That the Adult Social Care Key Performance Indicators be noted.

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