Agenda item

Licensing of Gambling

To receive and consider a report containing information about the licensing of gambling.


Keiran Hinchcliffe presented the Licensing of Gambling report which was set out in agenda pages 29-33.  The report had been requested at the last meeting of the Committee, with the purpose of finding ways to protect vulnerable people.


The LGA had produced a helpful handbook for councillors outlining gambling regulations (Appendix A) and a document titled: Tackling gambling related harm a whole council approach (Appendix B).


Research suggested that gambling premises were more common in deprived areas.  In Wokingham, there were five licenced betting gambling premises and 17 licences for gambling machines.  This meant that there was one betting shop per 35.000 population, putting Wokingham towards the lower end of the national scale.


Best practice pointed out by the LGA referred to the Statement of Policy for Gambling and the local authority’s powers in relation to compliance and enforcement.


Members noted that although in Wokingham there was one betting shop per 35.000, the location of betting shops may be more concentrated in certain areas.  Woodley for example had two betting shops, and there were areas of deprivation in Woodley.


Councillor Kerr was interested to know if betting premises were taking advantage of the current cost of living crisis to set up premises in areas of the borough that were least affluent.


Keiran Hinchcliffe clarified that the law and legislation around gambling was in favour of permitting the opening of gambling premises, so the powers of local authorities were limited to compliance and enforcement.  Outside of Licensing, the LGA referred to the roles of Planning and Public Health in this matter.


Councillor Burgess was of the opinion that it was time to review the Statement of Gambling Policy as this had not been reviewed for a long time.  She understood the limitations of powers, but suggested that a statement should be included in the revised policy, stating that the local authority expected premises to follow best practices, not just the minimum requirements.  She also added that premises should be encouraged to certify with GamCare.


Councillor Smith express concern about online gambling and wondered if the local authority could prevent online gambling in its public computers, for example in libraries. 


It was explained that online gambling was outside of the remit of the local authority’s policy, online gambling was regulated directly by the Gambling Commission.  However, Councillor Kerr agreed to investigate the situation in relation to libraries.


Councillor Soane asked if taxis were precluded from advertising gambling in their vehicles.   Keiran Hinchcliffe informed that gambling advertising was currently permitted, however the draft policy was under consultation and he encouraged councillors to express their views through the consultation.


In response to a question, Officers stated that it was not known if the five betting premises in the borough were certified with GamCare.


Councillor Kerr noted that the Committee had not yet received a report outlining how the policy was being enforced, and this might be of interest.


Keiran Hinchcliffe informed that compliance checks in gambling premises had not been undertaken for some time.


Councillor Kerr emphasized the need to carry out enforcement work, especially in view of the fact that more people were facing financial difficulties at the moment.  Officers agreed that this work should be carried out, subject to resources, given the small number of gambling premises in the borough.


Members suggested that there should be a whole Council approach to developing and enforcing the Statement of the Gambling Policy.


RESOLVED That the Committee notes the report and decided that Officers should develop an updated Statement of Policy in relation to gambling regulation, which includes a whole Council approach, for consideration at a future meeting of this Committee.

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