Agenda item

Application No.222516 - "Cherry Trees", Limmerhill Road, Wokingham

Recommendation: Conditional approval.


Proposal: Householder application for the proposed erection of two-storey side extension raising the roof to create habitable accommodation following the demolition of the existing double garage.


Applicant: Mr N Rainer and Mrs T How


The Committee considered a report about this application, set out in agenda pages 133 to 178.


The Committee were advised that this application had previously been discussed and deferred at the November 2022 meeting of the Committee.


The Committee were advised that updates within the supplementary planning agenda included a plan received from the agent on 13 December 2022 showing that the ground level of the application site was set 1 metre higher than number 51 Dorset Way.


Rob Kelly, resident, spoke in objection to the application. Rob was of the opinion that the application would not be subservient to the current built form, whilst it would be positioned too close to the boundary edge. The application would have a detrimental effect on the rear garden privacy enjoyed by Dorset Way residents, with number 51 suffering their entire garden being overlooked by rear facing rooms of Cherry Trees. Rob felt that the large footprint and smaller plot depth of Cherry Trees already caused it to be more overbearing than any other property on Limerhill Road, whilst the proposals would only exacerbate this issue. Rob disputed the late submission from the agent claiming that there was only a 1m height differential between Cherry Trees and Dorset Way, as his garden was situated on a slope. Rob stated that planning officers had previously deemed the site inappropriate for a two-storey dwelling, and urged the Committee to refuse the application.


Nigel Rainer, applicant, spoke in support of the application. Nigel stated that he was looking to create a flexible multi-generation space allowing for family to visit whilst facilitating he and his wife to stay at the property for as long as possible. Nigel added that older people should be encouraged to stay in properties with stairs for as long as possible, for multiple health reasons. Whilst neighbours had concerns that Cherry Trees should not be developed beyond its current size, Nigel stated that he had worked hard to ensure concerns were addressed as much as possible through policy compliant proposals. A full pre-application process had been undertaken, and proposals were modest and compliant with the Borough Design Guide. Nigel added that the old hedgerow and fence were rotten and unmanageable, and had been replaced separately to this application at his own cost. Nigel stated that this project was an attempt to create a home to meet the long term needs of him and his family, whilst being as sensitive as possible to neighbouring concerns.


Adrian Mather thanked the Committee for undertaking a site visit to understand the site more fully. Adrian stated that the site contained a large bungalow on the crest of a hill, which was very dominant to the properties on Dorset Way due to its proximity to the rear boundary. Adrian felt that the application would create significant height and massing issues, with sightlines looking directly into the gardens of Dorset Way, including the totality of the garden of number 51. Adrian disputed the comment in the report that two-storeys was the norm for the area, as you could only see bungalows from Dorset Way unless you stood on an object to see further into the distance. Adrian urged the Committee to refuse the application, and noted that officers had previously refused an application for a two-storey dwelling on the site.


Stephen Conway queried what weight could be given to the fact that a two-storey dwelling had previously been refused on this site. Tariq Bailey-Biggs, case officer, stated that each application needed to be judged on its own merits, and officers felt that this application complied with policy and would not create adverse impacts.


David Cornish asked that the narrative of future Committee reports be more carefully crafted, as the whole garden of number 51 Dorset Way was visible unlike what was alluded to within the report.


Andrew Mickleburgh proposed that the application be approved as per the officer recommendation. This was seconded by Chris Bowring.


RESOLVED That application number 222516 be approved, subject to conditions and informatives as set out in agenda pages 147 to 148.

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