Agenda item

Travel Assistance Policy Implementation

To receive and consider a report containing information about the Travel Assistance Policy Implementation.


The Travel Assistance Policy Implementation report was presented by Zoe Storey.  She informed that the overall cost of providing this service was going up, it was anticipated that it would £5 million by the end of 2023.


She highlighted that over the years Children’s Services had strived to contain this budget through many measures such as looking for savings, and redirecting reserves to offset the overspend.


The new policy had removed the majority of the discretionary spending, it also better explained the eligibility criteria. Additionally, a review of routes had been undertaken to better manage resources.


The report identified pressures in relation to an increase on demand for services, fuel costs, driver wages and inflation.


Zoe Storey acknowledged the issues raised during the meeting, in particular about the training of drivers and she stated that she would speak with the Community Safety Team Manager about it to find a solution.


In response to a question Zoe Storey informed that work would be undertaken in the future to develop independent travel training.  This training would start, but not be limited to, with special schools.  A training provider was still being sought.


Zoe Storey confirmed that post-16 students were asked to contribute to the cost of their transport to school or college.


Sarah Clarke asked if Officers were considering pickup points for SEND students.  Zoe Storey informed that pickup points were relatively new to Wokingham, and this was for mainstream students only.  Should a decision be made to consider pickup points for other cohorts, there would be a consultation.


Sarah Clarke made reference to the number of pupils moving into the borough this year and asked how the service planned for such increases and how this year compared to other years.


Zoe Storey stated that the number of children moving into the borough had increased significantly in the last 18 months.  This was due to the fact that many families had moved in from Hong Kong and Ukraine, the service could not have predicted immigration.


Sarah Clarke asked why Bohunt school, given that it was a new school in a newly built area, did not have safe walking routes to it.  Zoe Storey informed that those children attending Bohunt for whom there was no safe walking routes were not living in the new buildings, they lived in old stock houses in rural areas.  However, she agreed that a piece of work needed to be undertaken to assess the routes and decide if it was possible to make them safe.


Councillor Boyt asked how parents had received the introduction of pickup points.  Zoe Storey stated that they had not received any formal complaints.


The Committee wished to formally record their appreciation of the work which had been carried out to implement the new policy, Zoe Storey and her team had done a great job and were thanked for their dedication and hard work.


Councillor Helliar-Symonds commented that part of the reason for the overspend in this budget was the fact that some SEND children had to be transported outside of the borough to specialist places.


Councillor Helliar-Symonds asked that a recommendation be made for the Committee to receive an update on actions undertaken to address the issue of training of drivers and escorts.


Sal Thirlway advised that it would be more appropriate to invite and give CTU the opportunity to discuss the issues raised during the meeting.


Sarah Clarke stated that the SEND Travel Survey had been shared with CTU, so they were aware of the issues raised.


Councillor Bray informed that a significant amount of money had already been spent by the Council to make safe walking routes to Bohunt.  She believed that consideration in relation to safe walking routes should have been taken at the time of planning for a new school.  She vowed to include this consideration when planning for new schools in the future.




1)     Members note the contents of this report;


2)     The Committee will receive an update on actions being undertaken to address the issues identified in relation to training of drivers and escorts;


3)     The Committee supported the SEND Voices School Transport Survey and welcomed the opportunity to review future iterations; and


4)     The Committee expresses its concern to the Executive at the significant direct financial costs to Children’s Services of insufficient safe walking routes, including serving Bohunt School. 

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