Agenda item

Graham Howe asked the Executive Member for Children's Services the following question:


Given that we all know the demand for SEND places is growing, can the Lead Member explain how capacity is going to be accommodated in a timely manner by having 2 new schools built at Rooks Nest and Grays Farm, which will take a considerable amount of time for planning consent, inclusion in the local plan, and funding to be agreed with the Dept of Education?




Given that we all know the demand for SEND places is growing, can the Lead Member explain how capacity is going to be accommodated in a timely manner by having 2 new schools built at Rooks Nest and Grays Farm, which will take a considerable amount of time for planning consent, inclusion in the local plan, and funding to be agreed with the Department of Education?



It is the case that demand for Education, Health and Care Plan Needs Assessments continues to increase which provides for additional pressure on SEND places within the Borough as more Assessments are converted into Education, Health and Care Plan’s.


In addition to the two new schools that we are currently applying for at Rooks Nest and Grays Farm, we look forward to the opening of Oak Tree Special School in Winnersh from September 2023.


In the meantime, we continue to work with Addington Special School, and have had initial discussions with Chiltern Way Special School on increasing the numbers of specialist places available locally.


We are also working on delivering a programme of system change activity to support schools, settings, and families, that will assist in ensuring that children with SEND are identified early, supported into the right provision to meet their needs at the right time, whilst also reducing demand for the Special School places.


At this point in the meeting, 10.01pm, in accordance with Procedure Rule 4.2.12 (m), the Council considered a Motion to continue the meeting beyond 10.30pm for a maximum of 30 minutes to enable further business on the Agenda to be transacted.  The Motion was proposed by Prue Bray and seconded by Stephen Conway.


Upon being put to the vote, the Motion was declared by the Mayor to be carried.


Supplementary Question:

I just wonder if this is an excuse to build on the sites that the Liberal Democrats have previously said they would build on over their dead bodies.  What criteria is being used in making these sites suitable for schools, when there are other sites such as Farley Hill School, that maybe could be used and considered, not only Farley Hill, where capital and operating budgets could be more closely managed?


Supplementary Answer:

Interesting supplementary.  Farley Hill is being considered along with all the other assets that the Council has, so that we can look for places for not just special schools, but also satellite buildings, outreach, whatever else we can possibly do.

I am slightly surprised that you are asking me this question, given that less than six months ago you were the Executive Member and you had done absolutely nothing since 2019 to provide extra capacity.  We are doing everything in our power to cope with this increasing demand, which you knew about, which was in the previous SEN Strategy, and has not been addressed.  We will continue to do that.  As for the idea that there are sort of magic solutions, sometimes you have to do what you have to do.  We need those SEN places, and we have to act like mature grown up adults and make difficult decisions, which you singly failed to do as an administration.