Agenda item

Berkshire West Autumn COVID-19 Vaccination Plan Sept - Dec 2022

To receive an update on the vaccination programme covering the Wokingham Borough.


Jo Reeves, Newbury Locality Manager, BOB ICB, provided an update on the Berkshire West Autumn Covid 19 Vaccination Plan September-December 2023.


During the discussion of this item, the following points were made:


·       The Plan had been adopted by the Berkshire West Vaccination Action Group which was chaired by Susan Parsonage.

·       Invites for the autumn booster vaccinations were now being sent out from the NHS via text and letter, to those who were eligible.  The national booking system was open to over 65’s, front line health and social care workers, patients who were pregnant or at high risk of poor outcomes from Covid.

·       Primary Care Networks were prioritising patients who were in care homes and those who were housebound.  The vaccinations were being co-administered with the flu vaccines where practicable.

·       A draft Vaccines and Equalities Plan was recently presented to the Vaccination Action Group.  The Plan identified priority groups for community engagement, targeted communications, and the Health on the Move service. 

·       With regards to overall coverage in Wokingham, all of the Primary Care Networks were on board with a small number of pharmacies operating at low intensity.

·       As mitigation and to reinforce the Covid vaccination supply in Wokingham, Oxford Health would be continuing the outreach service, which would be moving to the Civic Centre shortly.  They would be operating 2 days a week.

·       The overall national target was a take up of 75% of those who were eligible.  This would be monitored, and data reports would be shared fortnightly and interrogated by the Vaccination Action Group.  Information would also be emailed to the local authorities.

·       A Member commented that the national booking website had indicated that a lot of venues were providing vaccines on a first come, first served basis, but that on arrival at the venue, people were finding that this was not the case.  Jo Reeves appreciated that this was frustrating.  Feedback suggested that providers would often try, if able, to vaccinate on a walk in basis, but then may have to keep back their vaccination stock for booked appointments.  She would feed back the issue to NHS Digital who were responsible for maintaining the national website.

·       Members raised concerns regarding the location of vaccination centres for residents.  Reading town centre and Wokingham town centre were not particularly convenient for residents throughout the Borough.  Jo Reeves emphasised that there were a number of vaccination providers within the Borough, including PCNs and some pharmacies.  There was also the Outreach team.  The NHS target was that there should be access within a 30 minute drive.  Within Berkshire West most residents had access within a 15 minute drive, although it was appreciated that not everyone could drive.

·       Members requested a list of venues where the vaccination was being offered within the Borough.

·       A Member commented that in the last round of vaccinations, there had been a gap in provision for those aged 17-19 who had not been covered by the school service.  Ingrid Slade clarified that the autumn booster was not available for this age group and was for the older age groups and vulnerable population, only.  The reference to 5-11 year olds in the Plan referred to a different programme with this age group receiving its first and second dose of the vaccine.

·       A Member questioned why the take up target was not higher than 75%.  Jo Reeves indicated that this was a national target and in line with the national flu jab take up target.  Take up in West Berkshire and Wokingham in the older age and vulnerable condition cohorts had far exceeded this. 

·       In response to a Member question regarding the target completion date of the Plan, Jo Reeves indicated that there was a target that everybody who lived in a care home for older adults or was housebound, received their vaccination by the end of October, and the remainder of the programme be completed by 24 December.  Advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI)’was awaited as to whether the programme should be extended throughout the rest of winter.

·       Members questioned whether greater use could be made of the mobile units to make the vaccinations more accessible for those in the Borough who were more remote.  Jo Reeves explained that the two vans were being prioritised as part of the equalities part of the programme, to target vulnerable groups who had not yet received a vaccination.

·       Members were informed that Reading had funding for a Community Vaccination Champion.  Members emphasised that there were also areas of health inequality within the Borough.

·       The Committee requested that they be updated on the success or otherwise of the programme once it had been fully implemented.

·       In response to a Member question regarding ensuring that social care staff received their booster, Jo Reeves emphasised the need for communication.  There would be a BOB wide Communication Plan for the broader population wide messaging and templates which could be used on a more local level.  Support would be provided by the local authority communications teams.  Front line health and social care workers were able to self-declare when using the national booking website which expediated the booking process.




1)    the Berkshire West Autumn Covid 19 Vaccination Plan September-December 2023, be noted;


2)    Jo Reeves be thanked for her presentation and be invited to a later meeting to provide an update on the vaccination programme.

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