Agenda item

Q2 2022/23 Corporate Performance Monitoring Report

To consider the corporate 2022/23 Performance Monitoring report for Q2 – July to September 2022.


The Committee considered the Q2 Corporate Performance Monitoring Report, as set out at Agenda pages 13 to 50. The report covered the period July to September 2022.


Sarah Kerr (Executive Member for Climate Emergency and Resident Services) and Rachel Bishop-Firth (Executive Member for Equalities, Inclusion and Fighting Poverty) attended the meeting to answer Member questions, supported by Sally Watkins (Chief Operating Officer), Emily Higson (Head of Insight, Strategy and Inclusion) and Will Roper (Customer Insight Analyst and Performance Manager).


The report stated that Executive Members had agreed 40 Key Performance Indicators, details of which were set out in Appendix A to the report. Each KPI had a SMART target and was assigned a RAG status (Red, Amber or Green) to indicate the level of performance achieved in the quarter. Overall, Q2 showed good performance in spite of some significant challenges such as high inflation and financial uncertainty. The majority of KPIs were rated as Green (23) with eight Amber and two Red. There were also seven KPIs without targets. These included new KPIs which needed to be monitored until baseline performance was established.


The two KPIs showing Red performance in Q2 were:


·           AS1 – Percentage of adult safeguarding concerns, leading to an enquiry, completed within two working days;


·           CS4 – Percentage of Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) Assessments completed within 20 weeks of referral.


The report gave details of the Red KPIs along with context and the corrective action being taken.


In the ensuing discussion Members raised the following points:


In relation to changes to the KPI reporting system and the provision of more timely data, would the Committee receive an update report? It was confirmed that a report would be submitted to the Committee in the next few months.


AS1 – Percentage of adult safeguarding concerns, leading to an enquiry, completed within 2 working days – in relation to the various contributory factors set out in the report, was this indicator back on track? It was confirmed that a detailed progress report would be submitted to the next Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting.


RA8 – Capital budget monitoring forecast position – was the projected underspend (Q2) seen as a positive or a negative? It was confirmed that, due to the unprecedented financial situation, a conscious effort had been made to postpone Capital spending where possible. The aim was to reduce borrowing costs where possible and appropriate. The detailed monitoring report would be submitted to the January meeting of the Executive.


The upward trend of leisure attendances and participation was reported as a positive. Was this trend continuing? It was confirmed that the overall trend contained some positives and some negatives. For example, usage of the Borough’s swimming pools had bounced back post Covid. However, the contractor, Places for Leisure, was struggling with increased costs such as the soaring cost of energy to heat the pools.


PG2 – Number of households for whom homelessness has been prevented – Q2 indicated an improved performance with the number of households increasing to 44. What steps were being taken to ensure that this trend continued? It was confirmed that the Housing team had been successful in managing down the number of households in temporary accommodation. Work was ongoing, for example through the landlord forum, to identify potential properties which could be used to accommodate homeless residents.


CEX6 – WBC staff sickness absence – it was noted that staff sickness absences had increased above pre-Covid levels. However, WBC’s rate compared favourably with neighbouring authorities. It was confirmed that staff sickness absence guidance was being revised alongside additional training for managers. Further support was being provided through the Employee Assistance Programme, mental health first aiders and workshops on mental health and wellbeing.


Pothole repairs and performance in planning appeals were important issues within Place and Growth but were not currently reported through the quarterly KPI reports. Could these two issues be included in future reporting? It was confirmed that these issues could be included in future performance monitoring reports. This should be discussed with the relevant Executive Members in the first instance.


Members were aware of reports relating to increasing complexity in key frontline services such as Adult Social Care and Children’s Services. This increased complexity represented a multi-agency challenge. One aspect was the factors which the Council could control versus the factors outside the Council’s control. It was felt that this issue may be suitable for a “deep dive” by the Children’s Services or Health Overview and Scrutiny Committees.


The Chair referred to a number of questions submitted in advance of the meeting, viz:


Adult Services Transformation Programme – early sight of the programme and associated timelines would assist Overview and Scrutiny. How do we improve the quality and timeliness of information provided to Members on major change programmes?


Adult Services – impact of Covid-19 – what are the ongoing impacts and how are they being measured and mitigated against?



Adult Services – workforce pressures – an overview of the recruitment and retention plan would be useful alongside an update on progress.


Adult Services – AS1 – in relation to “out of scope referrals” what actions are being taken with the South Central Ambulance Service and Thames Valley Police?


Chief Executive’s Office – how is the Equality Forum developing and what opportunities will it create?


Chief Executive’s Office – what is the new HR structure and how will it support workforce improvements and resilience?


Place and Growth – Ukrainian refugees – what are the risks linked to the end of the current hosting arrangements?


Place and Growth – Residential Extension project at Bluebell Way, Thatcham – what are the potential benefits for properties in the Borough?


Place and Growth – what are the main contractual challenges and how are they being addressed?




1)     the Executive Members and officers be thanked for attending the meeting to present the Q2 performance report and respond to Member questions;


2)     the performance of the KPIs relevant to the Committee be noted;


3)     further information be circulated to the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committees in response to the points raised at the meeting.

Supporting documents: