Agenda item

Update from the Executive Member for Children's Services

To receive a verbal update from the Executive Member for Children’s Services on the work of Children’s Services.


The Committee received an update from Prue Bray, the Council’s Executive Member for Children’s Services. The update focussed on three key issues, as follows:


Review of the Budget process – the Council’s financial situation would not be totally clear until January 2023, following the Government’s funding announcement at the end of December. However, there were a number of ongoing pressures including the impact of the war in Ukraine on energy prices, the rising level of inflation and the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic which included increased demand for SEND services. The Borough also had to deal with increasing numbers of unaccompanied and asylum seeking children.


Home to School Transport – arrangements and communication had improved compared to 2021. However, the budget was under severe pressure and would overspend in 2022. The Council received 400 applications for transport in June 2022 which was twice the usual number. The increasing number of arrivals from places such as Hong Kong was also placing pressure on the provision of school places. This increased the pressure on the Home to School Transport budget.


Lack of local capacity for SEND provision (as discussed earlier). It was hoped that a new specialist school would be able to open in September 2023, but at this stage there was no guarantee of funding from the DfE. The DfE had offered to assist local authorities in addressing spending pressures relating to SEND.


Councillor Bray thanked officers and partners for the progress made on improvement areas.


In the ensuing discussion, Members raised the following points:


The ongoing pressure on the SEND budget was noted. What plans were being developed to increase the level of provision within the Borough? As discussed earlier, plans were being developed for two new specialist schools in the Borough. Although Addington was full, discussions were ongoing in relation to additional capacity. Officers were also exploring the potential for additional resource units within mainstream schools. Although there were positive developments it was recognised that there would always be a requirement for some acute provision outside the Borough.


In relation to funding, the High Needs Block was regularly overspent and the position was deteriorating year on year. What steps were being taken to address this issue? It was confirmed that a lot of work was going on locally and nationally relating to the High Needs Block. The Government had stated an expectation that the High Needs Block should balance over a three year period.


What was the latest position relating to the proposed extension of Bohunt? It was confirmed that Bohunt was due to submit a bid shortly – supported by WBC. The bid would be considered initially by the Regional Schools Commissioner.


Matthewsgreen Primary was due to open shortly. Was it being filled by catchment area children? It was confirmed that the school would be filled from the youngest year group up. There needed to be a balanced approach to ensure that other school budgets were not unbalanced by the opening of the new school.




1)     Prue Bray be thanked for attending the meeting to answer Member questions;


2)     In relation to future meetings, Member questions to the Executive Member be submitted in advance, if possible.