Agenda item

Annual Equality Workforce Monitoring Report

To receive the Annual Equality Workforce Monitoring Report.


The Board received the Annual Equality Workforce Monitoring Report.


During the discussion of this item, the following points were made:


·       The data contained within the report related to the data collation as at April-June 2021.  It provided an analysis of the Council’s workforce demographics against that of the Borough.  The report had been prepared at a time when severe austerity as a result of Covid had been experienced.  Key areas covered included gender, age, ethnicity, and disability.

·       There were approximately 1,400 members of staff.

·       With regards to gender, there was a reasonable split between men and women in the Borough.  In the Council 73% of staff were female and 27% were male.

·       53% of staff earning over £50,000 in the organisation were women.  There were a higher proportion of female staff in entry level posts.  As the salary bands increased so too did the number of women in those bands. 

·       The age gap in staff was largely reflective of the Borough.  Whilst there had been an increase in leavers aged over 60, there had been an increase in the number of starters in the younger age groups under 29.

·       The number of apprenticeships had increased to 73.

·       5% of the workforce had reported a disability.  Staff were encouraged to disclose any disabilities so that any necessary adjustments could be made to support them.

·       With regards to ethnicity, 16% had declared that they were from an ethnic minority background.  18% of staff had not declared their ethinicty.  Barbara Batchelor explained that the way in which ethnicities data had been grouped was different from previous reports.

·       Staff could disclose their religion and sexual orientation should they wish.

·       Over the last reporting period 20 members of staff had been through formal Grievance, Capability or Disciplinary processes.  Councillor Bishop Firth commented that the number of staff of an ethnic minority who had been though a formal employment relation case in 2020-21, seemed high.  Members sought information as to the type of employee relation cases and the outcomes.

·       Members asked whether there any indications of the number of staff who had gone through formal employment relation cases in 2021-22 and were informed that there was not yet.  It was noted that the number had dropped in 2019-20, potentially as a result of Covid, and many staff working from home rather than the workplace.

·       The Board discussed staff with disabilities.  Members were informed that within the Borough 20% of adults with learning disabilities were in paid employment.  Councillor Bishop Firth asked for information on the number of working age adults in the Borough with disabilities.

·       Councillor Bray expressed concern regarding capability and grievances relating to disability and questioned whether lessons had been learnt from a previous case.  Barbara Batchelor commented that 19 recommendations had come out of the specific case, 12 of which were completed and the remaining 7 were in progress.  The Board felt that it would be useful to understand how lessons had been learnt.

·       Members were reminded that the Council operated a guaranteed interview scheme for candidates with disabilities who met the minimum requirements of a role.

·       Councillor Bray went on to ask about making reasonable adjustments for Councillors with disabilities and which department was responsible for ensuring this.

·       It was noted that the report contained one incorrect figure and a typo, which would be corrected.


RESOLVED:  That the 2020 - 2021 Annual Equality Workforce Monitoring Report be approved subject to the minor amendments discussed.

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