Agenda item

Risk Management Policy and Guidance

To consider the Risk Management Policy and Guidance.


The Committee considered the updated Risk Management Policy and Guidance.


During the discussion of this item, the following points were made:


·         Paul Ohsan-Ellis confirmed that the WBC Officer Risk Management Group and the Corporate Leadership Team had reviewed and updated the Risk Management Policy and Guidance. Minor enhancements and clarifications had been highlighted in the document for Member comment.

·         John Kaiser commented on the good progress made over the past five years in relation to risk management at WBC. Councillor Kaiser felt, and Members agreed, that Para 5.13 – Risk Management Group – should include a commitment to “share/exchange relevant information with colleagues in other service areas”.

·         In relation to para 3.3 of the Guidance, Councillor Kaiser sought clarification on the statement that the Guidance would be reviewed “regularly” by the Audit Committee. Members felt that the previous commitment to an annual review by the Audit Committee was appropriate.

·         Councillor Gee referred to paragraph 1.2 of the document which referred to the increasing importance of the document as the Council became less risk averse. Councillor Gee suggested that the policy should be referred to the new Executive and then on to all Members.

·         Councillor Maher asked about the training to be provided for staff on the policy. It was confirmed that a training package was being developed for Members and officers.

·         Councillor Maher asked for details on the control meetings held within each service area. It was confirmed that the corporate Risk Management Group included representatives from each service area. Risks identified at all levels within service areas were escalated to the appropriate group. Each department had its own risk register.

·         Councillor Davies stated that in para 5.7 of the policy, “Assistant Director” should replace 3rd Tier Manager on a consistent basis.

·         Councillor Davies referred to page 10 of the guidance document – Stage 4 – Control/Manage – and stated that the name of the officer taking the decision to skip Stage 4 should be recorded.

·         Councillor Gee referred to para 5.1 of the policy (assignments and responsibilities) and suggested, and Members agreed, that the phrase “where possible” be removed from the first line.

·         Councillor Gee referred to Page 11 of the guidance – (control, accept, transfer or terminate risk). It should be noted that the transfer of risk may actually create new risks, e.g. the Council retained the risk of service failure when transferring services. Members agreed that the phrase “transfer or sharing” of risk be used.

·         In relation to Member training, Councillor Davies suggested that training be based on best practice and include key customer journeys. Training sessions could be recorded and made available to all Members. Members queried whether Audit training had been included in the induction package for new Members following the May election.




1)      the Committee’s comments on the Risk Management Policy and Guidance be incorporated into the documents;


2)      the Risk Management Policy and Guidance, as amended, be submitted to the Executive with a recommendation for adoption;


3)      once approved by the Executive, the Risk Management Policy and Guidance be circulated to all Members;


4)      officers liaise with the Chair on the timing and content of Member training, including induction training for new Members.

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