Agenda item

Capital Monitoring 2021/22 - Outturn




1)      the outturn position of the capital programme for 2021/22, as summarised in the report and set out in detail in Appendix A of the report, be noted:


2)      the proposed fourth quarter carry forwards into the 2022/23 Capital Programme, as set out in Appendix B of the report, be noted and approved;


3)      the Quarter 4 budget adjustments to the 2021/22 capital programme be noted and approved, which included:


a)  reduction in the capital programme budget of £128.3k for Emmbrook Secondary Schools, devolved capital programme, as the budget was transferred to the school which had become an academy.


b)  use of affordable housing S106 receipts to fund learning disabled accommodation projects in the current year’s capital programme;


4)      the following changes to the 2022/23 capital programme be noted and approved, which included:


a)  An additional £600k budget for supporting the building of a new Special Education Needs (SEN) School at Winnersh Farm, (being built by the Department of Education). This is funded in full from a ring fenced grant for this project from DLUHC.


b)  An additional £700k budget for urgent improvements to Clements Close (part of the HRA stock) project. This is funded by ring fenced receipts from the sale of previous individual vacant council houses.


c)   A reduction in the capital programme budget of £141k across schools devolved programme. This will reduce the budget allocation to match the now confirmed grant funding from the DfE.


d)  An additional £50k budget for fit out costs for Ryeish Green Learning Disability Accommodation. This is funded in full by a ring-fenced contribution from NHS Berkshire.


e)  A budget virement of £2.165m from the ‘primary basic needs’ budget into the ‘secondary basic needs’ budget, as part of the new programme to increase the number of secondary school places in the borough;


5)      the amendments to the ‘745 DFG aids and adaptions policy’ as set out in the report be approved, subject to the wording of the policy as amended being delegated to the Director of Resources and Assets and the Director of Adult’s Services in consultation with the Lead members for Finance, Housing, and Health and Wellbeing and Adults Services;


6)      authorisation be granted to all uncommitted unringfenced capital schemes being paused pending a review that will be reported back to July Executive, whereby the Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Lead Member of Finance will have delegated authority to proceed specific schemes by exception.


The Executive considered a report relating to the capital programme outturn for 2021/22, which sought approval for the relevant budget carry forwards whilst demonstrating the safe use of resources to deliver service improvements and service continuity through capital investments.


The Executive Member for Finance noted that this was a retrospective report that covered topics from the previous administration, whilst there were a number of projects being carried forwards as they were at a work in progress stage. The report covered the reduction of the capital programme budget as some money was not being spent, whilst some affordable housing and Section 106 receipts were being used to fund learning disabled accommodation projects within this year’s capital programme.


With regard to recommendation 4e, Councillor Bray commented that money needed to be moved as soon as possible to create additional secondary school places within the Borough. Councillor Bray noted that recommendation 5 should refer to the 745 DFG aids policy, rather than 754. In addition, Councillor Bray stated that the report was not the final wording for the policy as it was a set of recommendations. Councillor Bray proposed that recommendation 5 be amended to refer to the 745 DFG aids policy, and approved subject to the wording of the policy as amended being delegated to the Director of Resources and Assets and the Director of Adult’s Services in consultation with the Lead members for Finance, Housing, and Health and Wellbeing and Adults Services. This proposal was seconded by Councillor Hare and subsequently carried.




1)      the outturn position of the capital programme for 2021/22, as summarised in the report and set out in detail in Appendix A of the report, be noted:


2)      the proposed fourth quarter carry forwards into the 2022/23 Capital Programme, as set out in Appendix B of the report, be noted and approved;


3)      the Quarter 4 budget adjustments to the 2021/22 capital programme be noted and approved, which included:


a)  reduction in the capital programme budget of £128.3k for Emmbrook Secondary Schools, devolved capital programme, as the budget was transferred to the school which had become an academy.


b)  use of affordable housing S106 receipts to fund learning disabled accommodation projects in the current year’s capital programme;


4)      the following changes to the 2022/23 capital programme be noted and approved, which included:


a)  An additional £600k budget for supporting the building of a new Special Education Needs (SEN) School at Winnersh Farm, (being built by the Department of Education). This is funded in full from a ring fenced grant for this project from DLUHC.


b)  An additional £700k budget for urgent improvements to Clements Close (part of the HRA stock) project. This is funded by ring fenced receipts from the sale of previous individual vacant council houses.


c)   A reduction in the capital programme budget of £141k across schools devolved programme. This will reduce the budget allocation to match the now confirmed grant funding from the DfE.


d)  An additional £50k budget for fit out costs for Ryeish Green Learning Disability Accommodation. This is funded in full by a ring-fenced contribution from NHS Berkshire.


e)  A budget virement of £2.165m from the ‘primary basic needs’ budget into the ‘secondary basic needs’ budget, as part of the new programme to increase the number of secondary school places in the borough;


5)      the amendments to the ‘745 DFG aids and adaptions policy’ as set out in the report be approved, subject to the wording of the policy as amended being delegated to the Director of Resources and Assets and the Director of Adult’s Services in consultation with the Lead members for Finance, Housing, and Health and Wellbeing and Adults Services;


6)      authorisation be granted to all uncommitted unringfenced capital schemes being paused pending a review that will be reported back to July Executive, whereby the Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Lead Member of Finance will have delegated authority to proceed specific schemes by exception.


Supporting documents: