Agenda item

Clive Jones asked the Executive Member for Environment and Leisure the following question, which was answered by the Leader of the Council:



The letter from the Leader of the Council to residents dated 26th February states: “A review of a pitch at Laurel Park indicates that this site is not suitable and will not therefore be progressed by this administration.”  Can a copy of this review please be made public to include clear details of the process by which it was conducted, factors considered and when this review started and ended?





The letter from the Leader of the Council to residents dated 26th February states: “A review of a pitch at Laurel Park indicates that this site is not suitable and will not therefore be progressed by this administration.”  Can a copy of this review please be made public to include clear details of the process by which it was conducted, factors considered and when this review started and ended?



As you are referring to a letter of mine then it is appropriate that I answer the question.


Thank you, Clive for the question.


This must be your darkest hour.  You clearly promoted the project to build a 3G pitch in Laurel Park, but you must have done so clandestinely without discussing it with your colleagues in Earley Town Council nor in Wokingham Borough Council.  Why you should do this I cannot fathom.  It appears, that you certainly did not take the residents into your confidence whose views are not opaque.  They are very clear that they value Laurel Park as the amenity it is now.


Once you understood that the proposal would be unpopular you clearly positioned yourself to be against it, but you seem to not understand the Borough Council processes.  A full consultation had not taken place but would be necessary.  You know that; I know that.  You know that a decision has not been taken; why are you trying to pretend that it has.   You know that planning permission has not been granted.  It has not been sought.  You know that consultation will have to occur prior to any application.  Why are you trying to mislead the public?  You have ambitions to be a Member of Parliament for the Borough.  Should the public trust you when clearly on local issues you are not straightforward or honest?


Supplementary Question

It is not a supplementary, I would just like an answer to my question Councillor Halsall.  My question was, “a review of a pitch review of a pitch at Laurel Park indicates that this site is not suitable and will not therefore be progressed by this administration.”  Can a copy of this review please be made public to include clear details of the process by which it was conducted, factors considered and when this review started and ended?  Could you answer that question without any other unnecessary comments?


Supplementary Answer

Can you tell me who you discussed a 3G pitch at Laurel Park before you promoted it with WBC officers?  Can a copy of this review please be made public to include clear details of the process by which it was conducted, factors considered and when this review started and ended?  Was this discussed with Earley Town Council Members and if so when and who? Was this discussed with Earley Borough Councillors and if so when and who?  When you changed your mind and decided to oppose what you had previously promoted.  Can a copy of this review please be made public to include clear details of the process by which it was conducted, factors considered and when this review started and ended?  Was this discussed with Earley Town Council Members and if so when and who? Was this discussed with Earley Borough Councillors and if so when and who?