Agenda item


To consider an update on the work of the Council’s Business Change service.


The Committee considered a report, set out at Agenda pages 75 to 80, which provided an update on the Council’s Business Change Service. The service supported the Council to deliver strategic transformation, linked to the Council Plan, through Directorate-led programmes and projects.


Shahid Younis (Deputy Executive Member for Insight and Change), Sally Watkins (Assistant Director, Digital and Change) and Lewis Borges (Head of Change) attended the meeting to answer Member questions.


The report stated that the Business Change Service had established a Project Management Office Framework and an Organisational Change Gateway, which was a formal process to review business cases for change. This provided effective project management governance and a triage system for new change requests. This ensured strategic alignment to the Council Plan and supported robust business cases for change.


The service had also developed the Council’s first Graduate Academy, which had grown to be the largest in the South of England outside of London. The Academy provided training, mentoring and coaching for future local government leaders through placements in key transformational activities.


The report stated that in 2021/22 the service had supported key strategic transformation initiatives such as the Adult Social Care Transformation Programme, the Council’s Equality Strategy, the Anti-Poverty Strategy, the Covid Recovery Strategy, the Voluntary and Community Sector Hub and the redesign and move of the Public Protection Service back in-house.


In the ensuing discussion, Members raised the following points:


How did the Council attract candidates for the Graduate Academy? It was confirmed that officers worked with the LGA National Graduate Development Programme. The Council offered a variety of placements, a senior leader mentorship programme and experience of frontline services.


Were there plans in place to retain graduates who had been through the Academy? It was confirmed that the Council’s senior leadership team had met to discuss a focus on this issue, providing permanent roles or fixed term contracts for graduates. The LGA had taken a keen interest in the Council’s Academy.


Was there a time limit after graduation for graduates who wished to join the Academy? Could we attract graduates who had already worked in different fields? It was confirmed that there was no time limit for graduates who went through the LGA route. Officers were working with the Council’s Communications Team to explore options for attracting candidates directly through our own promotion.


It was felt that greater understanding of the work of the Business Change Service would benefit all Members. Could a training session be run for Members? It was confirmed that a training session could be run for Members.

Looking back at major transformation programmes, was the 21st Century Council programme defunct? If so, what lessons had been learnt? It was confirmed that the 21 CC programme had ended in 2019. The learning had been around moving from “big bang” projects to a more flexible approach, working with directorates and building change around services.


What role did the service play in the redesign of the Corporate Transport Unit (CTU)? It was confirmed that the service had reviewed the way in which the CTU worked across the organisation, involving a number of directorates. The service had project managed the transition to new ways of working and service design.


How did the service measure the success of its projects and programmes? It was confirmed that success was measured in the delivery of service efficiencies outlined in the Medium Term Financial Plan and recorded improvements to the customer experience for residents who used services and contacted the Council.




1)     Shahid Younis, Sally Watkins and Lewis Borges be thanked for attending the meeting and answering Member questions;


2)     the approach to Change activity across the Council and the progress made in 2021/22 be noted;


3)     the Business Change Service arrange a Member training session to improve Members’ understanding of the service and its impact on the organisation.



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