Agenda item

Hackney Carriage Tariffs

To receive and consider a report containing details of the consultation on Hackney Carriage Tariffs.


The Committee received a report detailing the outcome of the consultation on increase to hackney carriage fare tariffs.


Ed Shaylor stated that responses had been received to the consultation, as detailed in the report and appendixes.  The Committee was now asked to make a decision, based on the information provided.  The options were as described in the report.


It was pointed out that it might be advisable to change the date in which any changes come into effect from 1 April to 4 April, this was because another neighbouring local authority was also altering its fees and there may be a delay in being able to recalibrate the meters.


During the discussion of the item the following comments were made:


·           Councillor Younis asked why we were prevented from implementing changes on 1 April;

·           Moira Fraser, Policy and Governance Officer explained that Wokingham was not prevented from implementing changes from 1 April.  She explained that the PPP had been approached from one of the meter companies who suggested that they may not be able to provide the service from 1 April;

·           Councillor Burgess proposed to agree to the trade’s proposal and to accept the Officers modification that the 110 second waiting time be retained.  She pointed out that the number of objections was low and she worried that not allowing a rise would make some drivers leave the trade and this would have negative consequences in the provision of the service;

·           The Chairman stated that the proposed increase would put Wokingham’s taxi fees amongst the most expensive in the country;

·           Councillor Burgess stated that some drivers had already gone out of business and that Wokingham was a very expensive place to live;

·           Councillor Bowring stated that it was difficult for anyone to ascertain what the fees should be.  However, he agreed that the Committee should accept the trade’s proposal, in view of the fact that drivers could lower the fare tariff if they wanted to.  Should drivers decide to lower their tariffs, he asked if the Council would be able to help publicise this change;

·           Councillor Kerr wished to clarify that the table on Appendix D of the Agenda was not the complete table, looking at the complete list, Wokingham would not be the second highest in the country;

·           Councillor Younis was in support of the trade’s proposal to increase the tariffs for the following reasons: the last time the fees were reviewed was in 2010, there had been considerable inflation in the last 11 years, their business had been severely impacted by the pandemic in the last two years and the upcoming increases in energy bills.  He believed that if this increase was not allowed, a number of drivers would go out of business, resulting in unreliable services;

·           Councillor Fishwick agreed with the trade’s proposals. He pointed out that the local authorities listed in the comparison table had not raised their fees for a long time and were playing ‘catch up’;

·           Councillor Loyes asked if the request to move back the time from 11pm to 10.30pm was for weekends only or for every day.  It was clarified that this was for everyday;

·           Councillor Fishwick asked how many vehicles would be affected by the issue with changing the meter;

·           Moira Fraser stated that there was an issue with a particular make of meter;

·           Councillor Soane was of the opinion that delaying the start date by three days was not a problem, and it was better if everyone started on the same day;

·           Councillor Younis asked how the Council ascertained that all vehicles had had their meters changed;

·           Moira Fraser stated that the meter companies issued a certificate of recalibration which was sent to the Licensing Authority.  She added that there was a legal requirement that companies undertake the change by 17 April, which was two months after the end of the consultation period.


After discussions and upon being put to the vote, Members voted in favour of implementing the changes proposed by the trade, with the Officers recommendation to retain the 110 second waiting time.  It was also agreed that the start date be set at 4 April.




1)     The modifications to be made to the table of fares at Appendix C as requested by the taxi trade are approved;


2)     The 110 seconds waiting time be retained; and


3)     The changes will take effect from 4 April 2022

Supporting documents: