Agenda item

Anti-Poverty Strategy 2022-26

To consider an update on the Borough’s Anti-Poverty Strategy and Year 1 Action Plan.  


The Committee considered a report, set out at Agenda pages 17 to 44, which gave details of the Council’s Anti-Poverty Strategy 2022/26. The report stated that the Anti-Poverty Strategy aimed to prevent people falling in to poverty, offer support to those already in poverty and help those in poverty to get out of it. Through working in partnership it aimed to develop an early intervention approach.


Councillor Laura Blumenthal, Deputy Executive Member for Equalities, Poverty, the Arts and Climate Emergency and Mark Gwynne, Interim Head of Insight, Strategy and Inclusion, attended the meeting to present the report and answer Member questions.


The report stated that the objectives of the Strategy over the next four years were to:


·           Support people in poverty;

·           Strengthen communities in their resilience to poverty;

·           Improve life opportunities for residents who are living in poverty.


The draft Anti-Poverty Strategy was appended to the report. It was being developed in partnership with the voluntary and community sector (VCS). In December 2021 a Hardship Alliance was created engaging four key VCS partners. Amy Garstang, Chair of the Hardship Alliance, attended the meeting to give a VCS perspective on the development of the Strategy.


The report stated that the draft Strategy had been subject to public consultation in January and February 2022 and would be updated to build in responses. Further development with the Hardship Alliance would take place in the coming months. The revised Strategy was due to be presented to the Executive for approval on 26 May 2022.


During the ensuing discussion, Members raised the following points:


The overarching strategy did not say much about preventing poverty in the Borough. Possible wording could be “doing all that we can to ensure that no one lives in poverty in the Borough”. Councillor Blumenthal commented that she was happy to look at wording which strengthened this aspect of the Strategy.


There were a number of issues currently which had an impact on poverty in the Borough. These included the effects of the pandemic, the energy crisis, house prices, changes to National Insurance and the rise in inflation. The Council and its partners should be lobbying on a range of issues. The introduction to the Strategy should be amended to reflect the range of challenges facing residents in the Borough. Councillor Blumenthal welcomed ideas for lobbying and exploring the steps that the Council could take to publicise the impact of these challenges.


Rachel Burgess raised the issues around in-work poverty and put forward a proposed recommendation to the cross party Anti-Poverty Working Group:


“Wokingham Borough Council will work towards becoming an accredited Real Living Wage Employer and will encourage local employers and supply chains to do the same”.


The proposal was seconded by Sarah Kerr.


Upon being put to the vote, the proposed recommendation was approved. Councillor Blumenthal stated that the cross-party working group would be happy to consider the recommendation.


Was there any additional funding to support delivery of the Anti-Poverty Strategy? Councillor Blumenthal confirmed that the Government had provided grant funding of £500k to support the development and delivery of initiatives being created as part of the Strategy. The Council was developing a strong team to implement the Strategy and work closely with the VCS. Amy Garstang confirmed the strong working relationship between the Council and the Hardship Alliance.


It was noted that there had been 140 responses to the consultation on the draft Anti-Poverty Strategy. Did Officers know how many of these respondents were in the vulnerable groups? Mark Gwynne confirmed that the consultation did not specifically seek information on different categories. However, it appeared that 40/50% were in the Just About Managing group. There was an ongoing issue relating to the availability of recent data to inform the development of the Strategy.


Had any briefings been provided for the Town and Parish Councils? Mark Gwynne confirmed that Officers had met with the Town and Parish Councils in January 2022. Officers were happy to have further discussions following the consultation exercise.


As already mentioned, a number of ongoing national issues were likely to significantly increase the number of people in debt over the short term. Did the Strategy factor this in? Councillor Blumenthal confirmed the Strategy would include short and longer term measures.


The report referred to the growing number of children in the Borough who were eligible for free school meals. It was important to maximise the number of children eligible for free school meals whilst, at the same time, minimising any potential stigma attached. There was a concern that some parents did not wish to come forwards even though their child was eligible. It should be seen as a helping hand rather than a handout. Members with experience in local schools felt that the existing system did make the process anonymous.


Whilst the closer working relationship with the VCS was welcomed, it was still important to be clear about accountability in delivering the action points in the Strategy. Could the relevant Members or Officers be highlighted in the Action Plan? Councillor Blumenthal confirmed that this suggestion would be considered.


One way to increase the uptake of free school meals would be to extend the eligible age group. The Council could lobby the Government on this issue. Items such as uniforms and technology also needed to be more accessible and inclusive.


Could the next update to the Committee include the specific actions underpinning the Anti-Poverty Strategy together with the relevant costings and funding sources? Councillor Blumenthal confirmed that this information could be included in future reports.




1)    Laura Blumenthal and Mark Gwynne be thanked for attending the meeting to answer Member questions on the Anti-Poverty Strategy;


2)    the cross-party Anti-Poverty Working Group consider the Committee’s recommendation that: “Wokingham Borough Council will work towards becoming an accredited Real Living Wage Employer and will encourage local employers and supply chains to do the same”.


3)    the Chairman write to Councillor Blumenthal with a summary of the Committee’s ideas and suggestions relating to the Anti-Poverty Strategy.


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