Agenda item

Louise Timlin asked the Chairman of the Equalities Working Group the following question:



White Ribbon is a leading national charity, engaging with men and boys, aiming to end men’s violence against women. They are working towards the culture change that is needed to prevent violence before it starts.  Part of this is encouraging men and boys to recognise and call out harassment, sexist behaviour, microaggressions and misogynist “jokes”, in order to promote equality and respect, and remove the cultural norms which enable the tolerance and excuse of men’s violence against women in our society. 


The four recommendations from the Equalities Working Group do not address these aims.  Please could the leader of the Equalities Working Group state how Wokingham Borough Council intends to be a role model, and what concrete actions it will take to seek the culture change necessary to prevent men’s violence against women?



All Councillors will soon be receiving an invitation to a workshop led by Dr Fiona Vera-Grey from Durham University, on public harassment and violence against women. Dr Vera-Gray is industry-leading and gave key guidance to the Government's Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy.  She will share with us policy recommendations and practical suggestions, including for culture change, to help us make Wokingham Borough safer for women.


You will notice in the report, that has come from the cross-party Equalities Working Group, that the Council is already talking to White Ribbon. The Leader of the Council, officers and I met with them – they are a fantastic organisation and we support them. We decided with them that the best way they could help us was giving training to our staff. We are not at the beginning of our culture change journey but advanced so don’t need to rewind back to create an action plan and new committee (which White Ribbon accreditation would require and payment of a fee) to duplicate work that has already been done.  You will also see in the report that we are seeking accreditation, just one that’s more comprehensive and grades performance as that matches our culture change programme.


We are looking for White Ribbon to contribute to our established monthly domestic abuse training for frontline staff.  This focuses on culture change and gives attendees the insights into violence against specific demographics.  This doesn’t just cover male violence against women but also how abuse can manifest, for example, against older people, men and those with disabilities.


We are also designing training for staff and Councillors on allyship and being an active bystander, which will help tackle street harassment and micro-aggressions. This will not just be for sexism and misogyny but goes further and will address the nine protected characteristics, including covering racism, homophobia and prejudice against disabled people.


Further afield, the Council has also worked with the police to train supermarket workers to support victims that go into stores and all major pharmacies in the Borough have signed up to Ask for ANI, the scheme which alerts staff to taking someone to a safe space. We are working to roll out Ask for ANI to Council buildings, after staff are fully trained, so residents can access more safe havens.  Working with partners such as the police and businesses in rolling out culture change is helping to create informed citizens who are equipped to help people who need it.


Supplementary Question

Do the members of this Council agree to take the White Ribbon pledge, never to commit, excuse or remain silent about male violence against women and if not, why not?


Supplementary Answer

I think that is a question for everyone, not just me, but, obviously, I will be the one answering it. I think that it is up to every individual. I cannot answer on other people’s behalf.