Agenda item

Wellbeing Board Steering Group

To receive an update on the Wellbeing Board Steering Group.


Ingrid Slade, Consultant in Public Health, provided an update on the Wellbeing Board Steering group.


During the discussion of this item, the following points were made:


·       Following the approval of the Wellbeing Strategy in Autumn 2021, the next step was the agreement of a governance structure around strategy into action.

·       The Board was reminded of the Strategy’s five overarching priorities and the underpinning Wokingham priorities beneath each of those. 

·       Action Groups and Partnership Boards would take the lead on specific priorities and would be reporting to the Wellbeing Board on what action they had taken. 

·       It was proposed that the health inequalities priorities become cross cutting in the Strategy.  The Health Inequalities Action Group was currently on hold and the Group had asked that the integrated and cross cutting nature of health inequalities across all Action Groups be considered, and that there be a focus on health inequality for each of those groups.

·       Ingrid Slade presented the intended structure.  It was proposed that a new Steering Group be set up between the Wellbeing Board and eight delivery groups. 

·       The Steering Group would provide operational oversight of progress against action plans and to identify any exception reporting that required escalation to the Wellbeing Board.

·       The Steering Group would meet bimonthly in place of the informal Wellbeing Boards.  At each meeting four of the Action or Partnership Groups would report against a defined action plan, allowing performance and/or delivery risks to be raised or areas of best practice highlighted.  This would enable the Steering Group to monitor performance, quality and progress made.  The Steering Group would ensure the operational delivery of the Wokingham Strategy into Action.

·       With regards to membership, it was proposed that it be the same as the Wellbeing Board membership or an appointed representative.  In addition, a Primary Care Network Director member, health provider representatives (Royal Berkshire/Berkshire Healthcare), other service providers e.g MIND/Cranstoun, and a secondary Headteacher representative, would be sought.

·       Katie Summers, Director of Place Partnerships, NHS Berkshire West CCG, questioned whether the Chairmen of the Action Groups would be members of the Steering Group and was advised that they would be reporting to the Steering Group but not members.  Consideration was being given to the creation of an operational group for these Chairmen.

·       With regards to the secondary Headteacher representative, Helen Watson, Interim Director Children’s Services, indicated that the Borough Education Partnership had now been established and would be meeting shortly.  She offered to seek a nomination from the Partnership for the Headteacher representative.

·       Katie Summers offered to help source appropriate representatives from the Royal Berkshire and Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trusts.

·       With regards to the Primary Care Network Director representative, Ingrid Slade indicated that the Wokingham Integrated Partnership would be approached about a PCN representative.

·       Councillor Margetts questioned when the Steering Group membership needed to be finalised and was informed that it was hoped that the Steering Group would meet for the first time in March.  Whilst it was hoped all representatives would be in place by then, the membership may not be finalised until the May meeting.


RESOLVED:  That the update on the Wellbeing Board Steering Group be noted.