Agenda item

Update on HNB and SEND Innovation & Improvement Programme

To receive and consider the High Needs Block Update and the SEND Innovation & Improvement Programme Update.


Lynne Samuel, Senior Finance Specialist presented the report and informed that there had been a negative movement of £650K in the HNB.


During her presentation the following points were highlighted:


·           There had been negative movements in the forecasts of:

o   £133K in mainstream schools, representing an increase of 33 pupils (7%);

o   £263K in other Local Authority Special Schools, representing 17 pupils (30%)

o   £219K in Independent and Non-maintained Special Schools, representing 16 pupils (13%);

·           The model was continuously being monitored, with the aim to improve information;

·           The forecast that was made in July had taken into account assumptions on what was likely to happen in September in the new academic year and during the financial year.  However, the increases in total number of places were more than expected;

·           There had been an increase in the number of EHCPs that attracted top up funding from the HNB in the Early Years settings, from 4 at the beginning of the year to 12, and this was significant in terms of trend;

·           The number of Out of Borough Special School places had increased from 57 in June to 73;

·           There had been an assumption that there would be 1,066 EHCPs in September, however the actual position was 1,132 EHCPs;

·           There would be more communication and engagement with stakeholders in relation to Therapy Services.  Wokingham, Reading and West Berkshire councils were working together to develop joint commissioning of Therapy Services to achieve best value for money.  Forum would be kept updated on the progress of this initiative;

·           A longer term financial modelling for the HNB was being considered, more detail on this would be presented to Forum in December;

·           A number of HNB training and awareness sessions were going to take place before the next Schools Forum meeting in December.


During the discussion of the item the following comments were made:


·           The Chairman stated that the quality of reporting was much improved and it was much clearer.  He wished to thank the team for their work in achieving this;

·           The Chairman asked to add an item on HNB Funding Model in the December agenda;

·           Carol Simpson asked why there were more empty spaces than filled spaces in resource spaces;

·           Richard Tipping, Category Manager SEND Sufficiency stated that this issue was being looked at as part of the resource spaces review.  The outcomes of the review and recommendations would be in the final report;

·           Richard Tipping believed that there had been some confusion as to what sort of placements the resource spaces should be delivering, more clarity was needed, as well as a service level agreement;

·           In response to a question, Richard Tipping confirmed that there had been funding of empty places, due to the way the current funding worked;

·           The Chairman asked if there was an opportunity to re-use the places that were over-funded in the next year.  Richard Tipping stated that this had already been corrected from September with a new funding model;

·           Sara Attra asked if all the bands were being looked at.  Richard Tipping stated that over the next year each individual child would have their banding reviewed;

·           The Chairman asked for an update on the additional funding for Foundry College.  Lynne Samuel stated that the review had started with Foundry College and there had not been enough time to conclude the review before the Budget was set.  It was then decided to set aside £400K for Foundry College to protect them from potentially going into deficit during the year, as a buffer.  Foundry College’s Budget was still under review and recommendations for the next year would be brought to Schools Forum in December, as well as the final position in regard to the £400K which was allocated for this year;

·           Daniel Robinson, SEN Consultant stated that the Innovation Improvement Programme (IIP) now had permanent staff working for it.  The IIP team were looking for the innovation aspect of the improvement plan in order to plan for the future;

·           He apologised that there had been a delay in the Foundry College review due to Covid work pressures.  He was due to meet with Foundry College in the following week to continue the review.




1)     HNB Funding Model be added to the December agenda;


2)     Schools Forum would receive an update on the additional funding allocated to Foundry College at the December meeting; and


3)     The report be noted.

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