Agenda item

Peter Major asked the Executive Member for Resident Services, Communications and Emissions the following question:




Barkham Solar Farm (Agenda Item 29) Barkham Parish Council has published in their recent residents’ newsletter (Barkham and Arborfield Green Village Info June/July 2021) that WBC has increased the size of the proposed Solar Farm by extending east into Rooks Nest Farm, an additional 48 hectares and from 72,000 panels to 83,000. What are the financial implications of the increased size, i.e. what are the additional “Estimated Costs / Income over 25 Years”, over and above the figures given in the Executive Committee briefing for Agenda Item 29?



The planning application submitted for the solar farm identifies a site area of 52ha in total. Taking into account the constraints and anticipated planning requirements of the site, at the time of submission, which was March 2021, it was estimated that the site could accommodate a solar farm to generate a peak of up to 33MW (MWp) of energy through the inclusion of up to 72,000 individual solar photovoltaic panels. This detail is included in the planning submissions.


As set out in the Executive report, discussions with adjacent property owners and occupiers are ongoing with a view to mitigating the impact of the development where practical to do so. In addition, further amendments to the scheme will be required following comments received from the Local Planning Authority as part of the planning process. These amendments however will only act to reduce the area of the solar PVs from what is currently shown in the planning application; albeit only marginally. As a consequence, delivery costs will inevitably be marginally reduced, because there will be less panels to install, but so too will the revenue, because there will be less panels generating power.   The final array of PV panels cannot be fixed with certainty until planning permission has been secured at which time the financial appraisals can be rerun based on the actual being delivered.


In order to take these discussions into account and accommodate any changes required, it has therefore been recommended that decisions around the final extent and configuration of the Solar Farm be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive in conjunction with the Lead Member for Business, Economic Development and Regeneration; albeit on the caveat that the scheme amendments will not result in the average annual net income after capital financing costs falling below £200k. Any projected lesser return would need to be reported back to Council.


I would also add that I haven’t personally seen the Barkham Parish Council newsletter that you refer to but if it does make reference to 83,000 panels or additional land being utilised then I can assure you that it is incorrect.


Supplementary Question

I am slightly confused.  Is Barkham Parish Council incorrect about extending into Rooks Nest Farm or just on the number of panels?


Supplementary Answer

My understanding having asked the question myself today of the Officers is that they are incorrect on both fronts.  It will be 72,000 panels in the area that has been identified in the planning application.  As I said I haven’t seen the Parish Council Newsletter myself but if you send me a copy of it I will gladly ask the Officers to speak with the members of the Barkham Parish Council and ideally correct the mistake publicly.