Agenda item

De-delegated items 2018-19

To consider a report outlining the De-delegated items for 2018/19.


Coral Miller explained that the 2018/19 De-delegated budget presented the same items as last year.  She was seeking the approval of the Schools Forum maintained schools Members to the item.


Coral Miller clarified that the staff costs supply cover did not include long term sickness as stated in the report. 


In relation to licenses and subscriptions Coral Miller explained that the DfE paid on behalf of the schools and then re-charged schools afterwards, this enabled schools to get a better rate.


Coral Miller stated that schools achieved a very good rate of insurance through the Local Authority.


The following comments were made during the discussion of the item:


·           Coral Miller reported that it had been noticed that academies had not been charged for licences in previous years, this was now being corrected;

·           Carol Simpson believed that schools were being charged twice or that there were two elements to the licensing charges, Coral Miller agreed to look into this as there should be only one charge for licences;

·           Some Members expressed concern that the maternity cover was expensive;

·           Members asked for clarification on the wording around the different types of cover;

·           Jane Winterbone explained that the paper on page 37 provided clarity around the use of the Ethnic Minority Achievement funding.  Jane was confident that it was good value for money;

·           In response to a question Jane Winterbone offered to provide the numbers around the outcomes of ethnic minority pupils, she would circulate it with the minutes;

·           Corrina Gillard asked if it was possible to look into the cost of de-delegated items in relation to the size of the schools, as opposed to every school being charged the same.  Coral Miller agreed to look into unit costs rather than a lump sum for future calculations;

·           Jane Winterbone stated that Emily Waddilove, Curriculum Development Advisor was having to manage a reduction in her budget and would be impacted if academies did not buy the service back from her;

·           Jay Bludell confirmed that she was in the same position and would invite people to buy back her services at the same rate;

·           In response to a question Coral Miller informed that the secondary phase did not buy into behaviour support services;

·           Elaine Stewart stated that Foundry College provided behaviour support for both primary and secondary school children and asked if this was being sponsored by the primary phase only.  Jay Blundell explained that secondary schools were commissioned separately;

·           Jane Winterbone stated that secondary schools had chosen to opt out of behaviour support services, they paid for the services on the spot.  That meant that Foundry College did not have a secure stream of income from secondary schools, which had an implication in continuity plans around staffing;

·           In response to a question Jay Blundell stated that currently there were approximately 40 primary pupils and 15-20 secondary pupils at Foundry College;

·           Elaine Stewart stated that as a Headteacher she valued the certainty of provision that buying into the behaviour support services provided, collectively all schools were enabling the provision offered by Foundry College, even if this was not always needed;

·           Jay Blundell emphasised that primary schools did not subsidise the service provided to secondary schools;

·           Ginny Rhodes stated that it was just easier for secondary schools to deal with each case separately and spot buy the service from Foundry College, and the service provided was much valued.


Members had a discussion around insurance costs and Coral Miller agreed to ask Dan Skinner, Insurance Finance Specialist to provide a statement to re-assure Schools Forum that schools were getting good value for money in relation to insurance.




1)     Schools Forum agreed to continue with the following de-delegated services for maintained schools:

1.    Contingencies

2.    Behaviour support services (for primary maintained schools only)

3.    Staff costs supply cover

4.    Licences and subscriptions

5.    Insurance


2)     Clarification around the different types of staff cover would be provided to Schools Forum;


3)     The total cost per school was:

Ø  Primary - £32,709

Ø  Secondary – £26,158


4)     A statement of re-assurance that schools were obtaining a competitive rate for their insurance cover would be provided.

Supporting documents: