Agenda item

High Needs Block

To receive and consider a report analysing the High Needs Block expenditure.


Jane Winterbone presented the High Needs Block (HNB) report which was set out on Agenda pages 35-38.  The report provided an update on the projected spend in 2017/18 from the HNB.


Jane Winterbone drew attention to the appendix on page 25 of the Agenda and pointed to line 6 which showed a HNB over allocation of £1million, line 22 showed an unallocated increase in the HNB special school budget of £692K and line 23 showed fees for pupils at independent special schools and abroad at £658K overspend, she explained that it was necessary to offset those figures to understand the report.


Jane Winterbone explained that the DfE had produced some updated guidance for 2018 and one of the changes to funding of resource bases in mainstream schools was that from 2018 the place funding for resource bases would be reduced from £10K per child to £6K.  This was addressing an issue in relation to some people counting their pupils in their resource spaces as pupils also on their roll.  Some resource spaces were drawing out £10K place funding and the Age Weighted Pupil Unit (AWPU) and they were getting the top up for the resource space whereas other resource spaces were not.  This occurred as a result of historical agreements when the resource spaces were set up.


Jane Winterbone reported that Jackie Wright, a SEND Consultant had been commissioned to complete a review of the resource bases, including funding.  Jackie had met with all resource bases and mapped what we knew about the current cohort and trends within Wokingham.  Jackie was drafting a report with clear recommendations which was due to be completed at the end of October, this report would be circulated to Schools Forum.


Jane Winterbone reported that Jackie had been looking at banding in resource spaces and she had suggested the possibility of banding on a wider scale.  Jane informed that Schools Forum may be asked to consider a banding proposal at its next meeting.


Jane Winterbone emphasised that it had been of great value to employ a consultant to carry out this work, especially in view of the constraints in terms of capacity within the service.


Jane Winterbone stated that the Local Authority was currently working to clawback top up funding from other local neighbouring authorities which had been paid from Wokingham’s HNB, for pupils in Northern House placed by neighbouring Local Authorities.  This was because of a historical agreement with Northern House that would underwrite 69 places and the top ups.  The normal practice was to clawback top up funding from the home Local Authority.  Jane reported that work was underway to achieve the clawback from home authorities.


Jane Winterbone informed that there had been an issue with a report that had been submitted to the Exceptional Needs Funding (ENF) Steering Group around two documents that did not agree to each other accurately around spend.  This had now been resolved and the issue had been found to be the fact that one of the reports contained the wrong date at the top. 


Jane Winterbone stated that she had spoken to some of the Heads that took part in the ENF Steering Group and they had expressed a desire to review the purpose of the ENF pot as it was felt that it may have moved away from its original purpose and remit. 


Jane Winterbone stated that the Early Years Intervention Fund which could be used to support children when they first went into mainstream settings from pre-school settings had not been historically used for the first two terms as it mostly was in other Local Authorities.


Jane stated that a full audit of Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) was currently being undertaken, with a report due at the end of October.  The report would include the comments on quality of the written reports and a judgement on whether Wokingham’s thresholds were appropriate and whether the provision identified appropriately reflected the needs assessment.  This was a very important piece of work as most of the HNB spend was related to EHCPs.


Jane Winterbone stated that the current overspend on the HNB reflected the previously un-profiled provision at The Oaks (200k) and a projected overspend on the Independent Special Schools budget.


Jane Winterbone informed that she was holding conversations with West Berkshire on the possibility of working together.


Jane Winterbone reported a shortage of local provision for primary school children.  She was currently reviewing the cases of three children of primary school age for whom there were no spaces available in any of the local / regional special schools. There was also a difficulty in terms of parental expectation.


Jane Winterbone declared that the issues relating to HNB were unlikely to be solved before her contract ended in December.


In response to a question Jane stated that Northern House provided for children from Year 5 only.  Members asked if there were plans for Northern House to extend their provision to primary school. Jane stated that there were ongoing conversations with Northern House, however they were an academy school.


In response to a question Jane Winterbone stated that the budget for Early Years intervention was around £108K underspent.  Mary Parker, Early Years representative was surprised to hear this as she had been discouraged from applying as it was believed that there was no money available for early intervention. 


Jane Winterbone stated that it was possible to top slice an amount from the Early Years Block, this had been done to fund the Early Years team.  Jane had been reviewing the statutory duties against non-statutory services being currently provided and reported two vacancies in the Early Years team.


Jane Winterbone stated that the top slice from the Early Years Fund could be used for anything as long as Schools Forum agreed to it.  Jane believed that SEND worked well when there was efficient early years identification, therefore it was important to have plans in place to support Early Years settings.


Ginny Rhodes asked about what plans were being put in place to secure continuity when Jane finished her contract.  She also questioned the rationale for moving SEND under Social Care.


Jane confirmed that she was committed to completing this piece of work and the Learning Partnership work before she left.  Regarding the move of SEND into Social Care, Jane suggested that any concerns should be raised during the consultation period.  The proposal was for a 0-25 joint service between Social Care and Education.  Jane agreed that she would confirm the date of this consultation and pass the information to Forum.


John Bayes noted that the numbers for support for inclusion had gone up by 20% and asked if this was something that could be controlled.  Coral Miller, Schools Finance Manager stated that she expected that this would be spent.


John Bayes also questioned the increase in out of Borough top ups.  Jane explained that this increase reflected the increase in EHCP’s.


John Ogden, Lead Finance Specialist suggested to provide the Forum with information on the volume entrance so that it could be identified what the run rates were for 2016/17, how they compared to 2017/18 and what was expected for the rest of the year so that Forum could have a better understanding on the reasons for increases.


Paul Miller stated that a HNB Task and Finish Group was being organised to take a close look at HNB funding, he asked for volunteers to join the group.  The findings of this group would be shared with Schools Forum. 




1)     The Resource Bases Review report which was being written by Jacky Wright would be brought for consideration at the next meeting of Schools Forum;


2)     Jane Winterbone would ensure that reports were sent to her to be checked before their publication;


3)     Jane Winterbone would inform Schools Forum of the date of the consultation on the proposal to move SEND to a 0-25Social Care and Education service;


4)     Schools Forum would receive and review the Education Health Care Plan review report; and


5)     Volunteers were being sought to take part in the High Needs Block Task and Finish Group.

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