Agenda item

Application no 170424 - 56-60 Finch Road, Maiden Erlegh

Recommendation:  Approval


Proposal:  Full planning application for the proposed erection of 6no dwellings, to include 2no affordable dwellings, together with associated parking and landscaping following demolition of no's 58 and 60 Finch Road.


Applicant:  Burwood Homes and Wokingham Housing Limited


The Committee received and reviewed a report about this application, set out in Agenda pages 87 to 104.


·         Proposed additional information on housing density, and

·         Proposed amendment to Condition 9 regarding unallocated parking spaces.


The Case Officer proposed the following amendments and additional conditions:


·         Condition 2 should be amended as follows to reflect the revised parking layout submitted:


This permission is in respect of the submitted application plans and drawings numbered ref: 2151A -100 Rev A; 2151A -101; 2151A -102 Rev F; 2151A -103; 2151A -104 Rev A; 2151A -105 Rev A; 2151A -106 Rev B; 2151A -107; 2151A -108; 2151A -109 Rev A; 2151A -110 Rev E; 2151A -111 and 2151A -112. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the application form and associated details hereby approved.


·         Condition 20 on page 91 should be amended as follows:


Notwithstanding the provisions of Classes F of Part 1 of the Second Schedule the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification), no hard surfacing shall be laid to between the front elevation of the dwellings and the highway unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. 

Reason: To ensure the soft landscaping to the front of the site maintained and to preserve the character and appearance of the area.


·         Add the following highway condition:


No development shall commence until the off-site works comprising construction of a 2.0m wide footway for the length of the site and adjacent to Finch Road have been provided in accordance with details to be submitted and approved by the LPA.

Reason: to ensure the public highway is built to an adoptable standard.  


Michael Lee, Agent, spoke in favour of the application, thanking officers for the work of the Planning Department and explaining how officers had worked with the applicant to enhance the design, including the addition of two extra parking spaces.  He indicated that the development fell within a major development location.  The design was sympathetic to the 2d nature of properties in the surrounding area.  The planned houses would strengthen the linear plan and would respect the amenity of neighbouring properties.  There had been no objection from Highways and environmental considerations had been fully considered.  The site met local and national guidelines and was fully sustainable.  He noted that plots 3 and 4 had car ports as opposed to garages.


Ken Miall, Ward Member for Maiden Erlegh, spoke in favour of the application, stating that he and his fellow Ward Members were fully in support of the proposed development.


In response to a Member query, the Service Manager, Highways Development Management, clarified the location of the additional car park spaces.


Resolved:  That Application no 170424 be approved, subject to the conditions set out in Agenda pages 87 to 104, the amendments as laid out in the Members’ Update and the amended conditions and new condition set out above.


Supporting documents: