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Personnel Board Appeals Sub Committee

This page lists the meetings for Personnel Board Appeals Sub Committee.

No Personnel Board Appeals Sub Committee meetings are available for browsing.

Information about Personnel Board Appeals Sub Committee

The Personnel Board Appeals Sub-Committee has been set up by the Personnel Board to:



a)            deal with all appeals against a decision of the Investigating and Disciplinary Committee which is ‘action short of dismissal’ in relation to disciplinary matters relating to “relevant Officers” as defined in  The Local Authority (Standing Orders)(England)(Amendment) Regulations 2015 i.e. Head of Paid Service, Section 151 Officer and Monitoring Officer;



b)            deal with an appeal from a complainant against a decision to dismiss the complainant’s grievance taken by either the Receiving Officer (after receipt of an Investigation Report recommending a dismissal) or the Personnel Board Grievance Sub-Committee in relation to grievance matters relating to “relevant Officers” as defined in  The Local Authority (Standing Orders)(England)(Amendment) Regulations 2015 i.e. Head of Paid Service, Section 151 Officer and Monitoring Officer;


The functions of the Appeals Sub-Committee will be in accordance with the Wokingham Borough Council Chief Executive Disciplinary, Capability and Grievance Policy and Procedure.