Browse meetings


This page lists the meetings for Council.


Information about Council

Council meetings take place around six times a year and all 54 elected Members are invited to attend.  Council is responsible for setting the Council’s budget and policy framework, which incorporates a number of plans and policies including the Local Development Framework, Health and Wellbeing Strategy etc, as well as agreeing any changes to the Constitution.


Members of the public can attend Council meetings and those living or working in the Wokingham Borough can submit questions to Council about a matter for which the Council has responsibility or which affects the Borough.  Members of the public can also present petitions to Council or ask an elected Member to do so on their behalf.


Meetings take place at the Council Offices, Shute End, Wokingham, RG40 1BN and usually start at 7.30pm; except the annual budget meeting (which takes place in February) which starts at 8.00pm.