Issue - meetings

Revenue Outturn 2015/16

Meeting: 26/05/2016 - Executive (Item 7)

7 Revenue Monitoring 2015/16 - Outturn pdf icon PDF 151 KB

Additional documents:



1)        the forecast outturn position of the revenue budget and the level of forecast balances in respect of the General Fund, Housing Revenue Account, Schools Block and the Authority’s investment portfolio be noted;


2)        the General Fund carry forward requests of £545,500, as set out in Appendix B to the report, be agreed.



The Executive considered a report setting out the outturn position of the revenue budget and other accounts and also requests for General Fund carry forwards.


The Executive Member for Finance and Resources highlighted a number of areas in the report including the overspend in Children’s social services and advised that although there was a small cohort of children who were in need of support from the Council they often had complex needs and required very expensive placements.  A lot of work was and had been undertaken on early intervention measures which meant that this limited the number of children coming into the system at a later stage when costs would be much higher. 


With regard to the third sector provider, mentioned earlier in the meeting, that the Council had supported because they were doing valuable work unfortunately they were unable to continue and the money advanced to them, to enable them to become more sustainable, was lost.  Councillor Pollock also highlighted the cost of the increase in homelessness but pointed out that it was very important that homeless people were supported and that the Council tried to help them to get back on their feet.


With regard to this year’s overspend Councillor Pollock commented that the Council had previously had a tradition of underspending.  However as budgets got tighter as the Council’s resources reduced it had become impossible to contain through savings elsewhere.  He was however pleased that the level of reserves was at £10m as this would help the Council over the next few years to take account of pressures.


The Executive was advised of the carry forward requests for 2016/17.



1)        the forecast outturn position of the revenue budget and the level of forecast balances in respect of the General Fund, Housing Revenue Account, Schools Block and the Authority’s investment portfolio be noted;


2)        the General Fund carry forward requests of £545,500, as set out in Appendix B to the report, be agreed.