Issue - meetings

Proposal to Establish a Wokingham Borough Education Partnership

Meeting: 08/12/2021 - Schools Forum (Item 16)

16 Proposal to Establish a Wokingham Borough Education Partnership pdf icon PDF 294 KB

To consider a proposal to establish a Wokingham Borough Education Partnership.


The Forum received a report regarding a proposal to establish a Wokingham Borough Education Partnership.


During the discussion of this item, the following points were made:


·       The report explained the rationale and purpose of the intention of establishing an education partnership. 

·       Heather Tomlinson felt that the proposal reflected the voice of school leaders.  She emphasised co-production and collective strategic direction. 

·       Schools Forum had a specific remit around schools’ finance.  Other big strategic issues may be better dealt with by a partnership.

·       The terms of reference had been produced by school leaders and Forum members were invited to comment.

·       Proposed core membership was based on a premise of the election of several members from different groups, such as the Schools Forum, Wokingham Primary Heads Partnership and the Wokingham Secondary Heads Foundation.  The process to secure inclusion of Executive Headteachers from Multi Academy Trusts was still to be determined

·       The Chairman asked about the development of the strategic vision and the partnership’s contribution to this.  Heather Tomlinson indicated that the group would have the remit to commission working groups and to steer priorities and coproduction.

·       Ben Godber asked, in addition to consultation, what decision making the partnership would have.  Heather Tomlinson responded that it was for the group to determine priorities and the outcomes required of working groups.

·       The Forum discussed membership of the partnership.  It was confirmed that Schools Forum would have three members on the partnership.  It was agreed that the Forum would consider its nominees at the next meeting in January.  The Chairman requested that the Forum be informed of the primary and secondary headteacher nominations prior to this meeting.  It was hoped that an initial meeting of the partnership would be held in mid-January.

·       16 Forum members voted in favour of the proposals.




1)    the report and the proposal to identify representation on the Wokingham Borough Education Partnership be noted.


2)    Schools Forum consider and nominate its three members for the Wokingham Borough Education Partnership, at its January meeting.