Issue - meetings

1. Matters Arising Update

Meeting: 14/07/2021 - Schools Forum (Item 52)

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Katherine Vernon, Schools Finance Manager presented the Matters Arising update.



Katherine stated that following the removal of insurance from the de-delegation arrangements, and the introduction of a revised charging methodology for the 2021/22 financial year, of the 35 maintained schools: 18 went for the RPA and 17 stayed with WBC.


Of the 17 who chose to stay with the council, 5 had signed up for the 2 year deal which was offered to fix prices until the end of the council’s current insurance contract.  Because of the low numbers, it was unlikely that this offer would continue after the contract finished for 2023.


Early Years

The DfE was changing the funding methodology for this year, the income received used to be based on the January census, with an adjustment after the end of the year.  However, it was recognised that this year the January census would be understated, so they summer head count would be used and divide the difference between the two for the spring term. The adjustment for this year would not be known until November.


In response to a question Katherine Vernon stated that providers should not be affected as they would be funded by the hours that they provided.


Ian Morgan stated that the had informed settings that the adjustment would not be known until September.  He believed that some smaller settings relied on the additional incomed from the adjustment.  However, there was a general understanding and acceptance of the current situation.


Ian Morgan asked if this year’s arrangements were likely to carry on in the next year.  Katherine Vernon stated that she had had a meeting with the DfE, but it was not certain which arrangement would be used for next year.


De-delegated review

There was a commitment to have a meeting in September to review the remaining de-delegated services.  Three Headteachers and School Business Managers had volunteered to take part in the review.


High Needs Block training

There was a lot of interest in the training, sessions being planned for September.  Schools Forum were offered the option to have a dedicated training session, however members did not show interest in this offer.


School Admissions Task and Finish Group

This would be discussed during the presentation of item 54.


2021/22 High Needs Block Budget

Schools Forum had not yet received correspondence from the Council’s Finance Director confirming the Council’s understanding of the complexities of the deficit in the HNB.


Sal Thirlway, Assistant Director for Learning and Partnerships stated that appropriate response was being collated in relation to questions raised at the last meeting, and those raised in writing following the meeting in December last year.


2020/21 Contingency update

The Chairman pointed out that it had been agreed that future reports would include information about Early Years and Growth Fund.


Financial support to Foundry College

The Chairman asked that an update on how the £400k additional funding for Foundry College was being used be given at the December meeting of Schools Forum.