Issue - meetings

2019-20 Revenue Outturn Report

Meeting: 15/07/2020 - Schools Forum (Item 50)

50 2019-20 Revenue Outturn Report pdf icon PDF 118 KB

To receive and consider the 2019-20 Revenue Outturn report.

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Katherine Vernon, Schools Finance Manager presented the 2019/20 Revenue Outturn report.  She stated that the 2019/20 in-year Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) outturn position was a net overspend of £1,785k, representing 1.25% of the 2019/20 DSG budget.  Together with the brought forward deficit balance of £1,572k, the overall DSG deficit at the end of 2019/20 was £3,356k, representing 2.35% of the £142,947k 2019/20 DSG.  She stated that in previous years the local authority had been required to submit a recovery plan to the DfE, but the rules had changed this year and this was no longer required.


The Chairman pointed out that the Growth Fund did not show any variance and asked if this was correct.  Katherine Vernon confirmed that there had been an underspend of £200k which had been carried forward.  The Chairman stated that this should be reflected in the report. 


Katherine Vernon stated that further discussions with Piers Brunning, Strategy and Commissioning Places Specialist were ongoing about how the £200k money would be reflected in the financial plans.


Lynne Samuel, Senior Finance Specialist agreed to correct the presentation of the £200k in the 2019/20 report.


Ian Morgan asked about the £376k surplus in the Early Years Block Expenditure.  Katherine Vernon stated that that was a change in the income that happened in the year, she confirmed that the whole Early Years Block had been spent.


Ian Morgan asked for more information about the Early Years contingency.  Katherine Vernon stated that once the final figures were released, there would be a reconciliation and the figures would be presented to the Forum.


Lynne Samuel stated that the final settlement was expected at the end of July, and the finance team would be working during the summer to finalise the report, this would be presented to the Schools Forum at its October meeting.


The Chairman drew attention to the overspend on the High Needs Block (HNB) and the significant figure shown in the fees for pupils at independent special schools. 


RESOLVED That the report be noted.